Separating Techniques


GCSE Chemistry Mind Map on Separating Techniques, created by Leon of House Crook on 05/22/2014.
Leon of House Crook
Mind Map by Leon of House Crook, updated more than 1 year ago
Leon of House Crook
Created by Leon of House Crook over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Separating Techniques
  1. Filtration
    1. Separates insoluble solid from a liquid/solution
      1. Residue is the insoluble solid
        1. Pour the solution and insoluble solid into the funnel with the filter paper
          1. The filtrate will pass through but the residue won't
        2. Fractional Distillation
          1. Separating liquids with different boiling points
            1. Take away potentially troublesome mixtures
              1. Then cool the gases
                1. And then heat them, separating the fractions out
                2. Seperating Funnel
                  1. Separating immiscible liquids
                    1. Less dense on top
                      1. Open the tap at the bottom
                        1. Close the tap when it is seperated
                        2. Simple Distillation
                          1. Separates solvent from a soluble solid
                            1. Heat the solution
                              1. The solvent will evaporate and condense back in the cool condenser
                                1. This separates the mixtures
                                2. Chromatography
                                  1. Separates solutes based on how soluble they are
                                    1. Draw line at the bottom with a dot of the solute
                                      1. Put the paper in the solvent below
                                        1. The more soluble ones will rise higher
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