
Mind Map on LITERARY TECHNIQUES, created by nadiachow on 05/23/2014.
Mind Map by nadiachow, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nadiachow over 10 years ago

Resource summary

    1. ASSONANCE: repetition of vowel sounds (usually in the middle of the word) e.g. 'men sell the wedding bells.'
      1. SIBILANCE: alliteration of the sound 'sss' / 'shh'
          1. Dental alliteration: D + T
            1. Fricative alliteration: F + V
              1. Plosive alliteration: P + B
                1. Gutteral alliteration: G + C + K
                  1. Uvalal: L
                  2. ONOMATOPOEIA: the the formation of a word by imitation of a sound made.
                    1. Can be related to water e.g. bloop, splash, spray, sprinkle, squirt, drip, drizzle
                      1. Can be related to voice e.g. giggle, grunt, gurgle, mumble, murmur, bawl, belch, chatter, blurt
                        1. Can be related to collisions e.g. bam, bang, clash, clang, clank, clap, click, clink, ding, dang, dong, screech, slap, thud, thump
                          1. Can be related to air e.g. woosh, fisst, flutter, gasp, swish, swoosh, wiff, whoosh, whizz, whip, whisper
                            1. Can be related to an animal e.g. auf, baa, bark, bray, buzz, chirp, cluck, cuckoo, purr, quack, ribbit, oink
                            2. REPETITION: repeating a word for emphasis
                              1. MONOSYLLABIC: only one syllable
                                1. POLYSYLLABIC: more than one syllable
                                2. SPECIFICALLY FOR POETRY
                                  1. RHYME SCHEME: a pattern of rhyme within a stanza or the whole poem e.g. ABABABAB - rhyming couplets
                                    1. Full rhyme: sounds like a complete rhyme e.g. same, game, name
                                      1. Half rhyme: words that almost rhyme e.g. big, beg, bag
                                        1. Sight rhyme: looks like it is supposed to rhyme but it doesn't. e.g. one, gone, tone
                                        2. STRUCTURE
                                          1. End-stopped line: punctuation mark at the end of the line
                                            1. Caesura: a heavy, significant pause in the middle of a line (rather than the end) e.g. fullstop, comma, hyphen
                                              1. Enjambment: one line runs into the next line with no punctuation
                                                1. NUMBER OF LINES IN A STANZA
                                                  1. COUPLET: 2 lines
                                                    1. TERCET: 3 lines
                                                      1. QUATRAIN: 4 lines
                                                        1. QUINTET: 5 lines
                                                          1. SESTET: 6 lines
                                                            1. SEPTET: 7 lines
                                                              1. OCTAVE: 8 lines
                                                            2. RHYTHM: the pattern of stresses in a line of a verse (metrical foot)
                                                              1. METRE: the type of rhythm
                                                                1. TROCHAIC: 1 stressed syllable followed by 1 unstressed syllable
                                                                  1. IAMBIC: 1 unstressed syllable followed by 1 stressed syllable
                                                                    1. ANAPAESTIC: 2 unstressed syllables followed by 1 stressed syllable
                                                                      1. DACTYLIC: 1 stressed syllable followed by 2 unstressed syllables
                                                                      2. FEET: how many times is this repeated in a line?
                                                                        1. MONOMETER: only once
                                                                          1. DIMETER: x2
                                                                            1. TRIMETER: x3
                                                                              1. TETRAMETER: x4
                                                                                1. PENTAMETER: x5
                                                                                  1. HEXAMETER: x6
                                                                              2. IMAGERY
                                                                                1. METAPHOR: a comparison between something but doesn't use 'like' or 'as'
                                                                                  1. SIMILE: a comparison using 'like' or 'as'
                                                                                    1. PERSONIFICATION: giving an object a human quality
                                                                                      1. OXYMORON: placing 2 contradictory words right next to each other e.g. 'white black'
                                                                                        1. JUXTAPOSITION: contrasting of dissimilar concepts/ideas, can be as far as 2 paragraphs apart.
                                                                                          1. ANALOGY: compares 2 different things that have similar characteristics.
                                                                                            1. ANTITHESIS: contrast of words within parallel phrases e.g. 'Many are called but few are chosen.'
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