Stalin's motives for rapid economic change


Mind Map on Stalin's motives for rapid economic change, created by mikew95 on 16/05/2013.
Mind Map by mikew95, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mikew95 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Stalin's motives for rapid economic change
  1. he wanted a totalitarian state
    1. means where he is in control of absolutely everything aswlell as the government
      1. controlled minds and actions of people with terror and propaganda
      2. "we must transform the USSR from a weak agricultural country dependent on world capitalism"
      3. "we are 50 to 100 years behind"
        1. wanted to catch up with western superpowers
          1. NEP majorly reduced the capacity for industrial production therefore leaving the USSR very open to invasion
            1. weak military which needed to be developed
            2. focus on class warfare and abbolish class defferences as it was un socialist
              1. however stalin knew that specialists would be needed to push forward with the rapid industrialisation needed
              2. NEP was really capitalist so he wanted to change it to something a lot more socialist
                1. wanted to extend party control in the countryside...... as he wanted to destroy kulaks and
                  1. links to class wafare kindof
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