Our day out


higher Junior Cert (English) Mind Map on Our day out, created by MidgetNolan on 06/03/2014.
Mind Map by MidgetNolan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by MidgetNolan over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Our day out
  1. Main characters are Carol, Mrs.Kay and Mr.Briggs.
    1. Mrs.Kay teaches a resource class and is bringing them on a school trip.
      1. We find out how poor the children are because mrs.kay asks the children to all go to one side if they have paided for the trip
        1. The children are going on a trip to Conway castle in Wales.
          1. Mr.Briggs and Mrs.kay don't get along and cause a lot of conflict and suspense durning this play.
            1. Durning the opening scene we meet Les(the lollipop man) , Susan(sub-teacher) and the bus driver.
              1. Bus driver wouldn't let them on cause they might have chocolate and 7up and mrs.kay told him they couldn't afford it.
                1. The children were very un-mannered and didn't have a very nice up bringing and knew they wouldn't have a great job when they were older.
                  1. Mr.Briggs changed the atmosphere during the play because he was mad and angry.
                    1. Look for keywords throughout the play.
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