New and Emerging Technologies


11-12 Design & Technology Mind Map on New and Emerging Technologies, created by Kerry Wallace on 06/11/2014.
Kerry Wallace
Mind Map by Kerry Wallace, updated more than 1 year ago
Kerry Wallace
Created by Kerry Wallace over 10 years ago

Resource summary

New and Emerging Technologies
  1. Bring Social Change - social media/apps/connectedness/tracking devices
    1. Huge advancements in the health industry
      1. Quick turnover of technology means that things quickly become obsolete, e.g. video tapes, dvd, etc. and the devices that play them
        1. New technologies should make life in our society better, safer or easier
          1. consumers demanding green/enviro friendly products
            1. Changing nature of work - people will have jobs using technologies which are yet to be utilised in main stream society - making other skills redundant
    2. technologies that have been recently developed or in the process of developed
      1. With each new technological development consumers become more sophisticated and more demanding of new products.
        1. New technoloiges change the ways things are traditionally done
      2. Convergent technologies (more that one purpose in a device)
        1. Nanotechnology (miniaturisation of devices)
        2. Examples of Emerging Technologies -
          1. OnLine Electric Vehicles (OLEV)
            1. 3-D printing and remote manufacturing
              1. Self-healing materials
                1. Energy-efficient water purification
                  1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) conversion and use
                    1. Enhanced nutrition to drive health at the molecular level
                      1. Enhanced nutrition to drive health at the molecular level
                        1. Precise drug delivery through nanoscale engineering
                          1. Organic electronics and photovoltaics
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