Resolved: The United States ought not provide military aid to authoritarian regimes.


Note on Resolved: The United States ought not provide military aid to authoritarian regimes., created by Adrianna Belskis on 04/12/2018.
Adrianna Belskis
Note by Adrianna Belskis, updated more than 1 year ago
Adrianna Belskis
Created by Adrianna Belskis over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Definitions:  provide: military aid: authoritarian regimes: 

Page 2

Fundamental Questions:  What are the U.S. obligations, if any, to other parts of the world (regimes, etc)? What is in the U.S.'s best interest (or what ought they do)? What qualifies as military aid? What is an authoritarian regime? How do the U.S.'s values correspond, align, disagree, or prohibit its interacts with foreign powers/governments? 

Page 3

Negative Values:   

Page 4

Affirmative Values:   

Page 5

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