CH 1: Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics


Biopharm/PK Note on CH 1: Introduction to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics, created by Shannon Grady on 09/08/2013.
Shannon Grady
Note by Shannon Grady, updated more than 1 year ago
Shannon Grady
Created by Shannon Grady over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

1.1 Drugs: chemicals that alter physiological and biochemical processes in the body in a manner that makes them useful in the treatment, prevention, or cure of diseases. A useful drug must have the potential to cause harm, since is affects body physiology or biochemistry. Drug Action: begins with input (dose, frequency and route of administration), ends with output (biological response that can be beneficial or adverse) PharmacoKINETIC Phase: encompasses all events between dose administration and achievement of drug concentration throughout the body.PharmacoDYNAMIC Phase: encompasses all events between arrival of drug at site of action and the onset, magnitude, and duration of the biological response.Dosing Regimen: depends on BOTH pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics 1.2 Pharmacodynamics (PD): the study of the magnitude of drug response, the onset, intensity, and duration of drug response and how these are related to the concentration of a drug at the site of action Drug response-concentration relationship is the focusDrug-receptor interaction: chemical interaction between drug and receptor -> conformational change in receptor -> generation of stimulus -> biochemical/physiological responsePostreceptor Events Ion Channels  G-Protein Stimulation Tyrosine Kinase Activation Direct penetration of membrane 


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