The Biological basis of Heart Disease


The biological basis of heart disease, featuring Atheroma, Aneurysm & Heart Disease Risks
Innes CJ Spendier
Note by Innes CJ Spendier, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by evie.daines about 9 years ago
Norman McBrien
Copied by Norman McBrien about 9 years ago
Andrea Leyden
Copied by Andrea Leyden about 9 years ago
Innes CJ Spendier
Copied by Innes CJ Spendier about 9 years ago

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Page 1

Atheroma1. Cholesterol and other lipids collect on the inside of the coronary artery. This deposit is called an atheroma, which is built up when white blood cells engulf LDL(low-density lipoprotein) and then die leaving behind this fatty material (made up of cholesterol and dead muscle cells) and it narrows the lumen restricting the blood flow.2. The atheroma is then able to collect minerals and harden to form a plaque (atheromatous Plaque)3. The plaque can also cause a blood clot (thrombosis) and this blocks the blood stream and can cause lack of oxygen to the heart, which will kill the cardiac muscle.4. Due to lack of oxygen the heart (which is a muscle) cells are unable to respire and this leads to the cause of myocardial infraction (also known as a heart attack)


Coronary Thrombosis

The Biological Basis of Heart Disease

Heart Disease

5 RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH HEART DISEASE1. Diet2. Blood pressure3. Cholesterol4. Cigarette smoking5. Blood

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