Techniques 1 - created from Mind Map


Autumn term yr 4
Note by sheena.mclennan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by sheena.mclennan over 10 years ago
Copied to Note by sheena.mclennan over 10 years ago

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FOOT Medial border Lateral border Cuneiforms - supine Supine Prone HVT/Axx Talo-navicular navicular - medial cunieform Medial cuneiform - 1st metatarsal HVT/Axx Talo-navicular Navicular-medial cuneiform Medial cuneiform - 1st metatarsal Supine Sidelying patient supine -Facing away patient supine -Facing Cuboid on 4th&5th MET Cuboid on calcaneum Cuboid on 4th&5th MET Cuboid on calcaneum Cuboid HVT - pistol grip Cuboid axx Axx HVT Figure of 8 - intermediate knee flexed 90deg Cross handed tug Intermediate Lateral

ANKLE Talo-crural joint Subtalar 3. HVT/Axx - Shearing with leg straight 4. HVT/Axx - Shearing with knee flexed and foot dorsiflexed 1. Axx talus in mortise 2. Txx of talus straight leg can build into thrust Triangle Can stabilise pt with knee on plinth and thigh against plantar aspect of other foot Sidelying Axx (inversion/eversion/shear) lwr legs joint X-handed medial aspect HVT - lwr leg joint Motor bike - upper leg joint

KNEE Improving flexion improving extension Harmonic Gapping superior tib/fib Supine Prone hand behind knee and flex over it Use forearm as fulcrum hand over popliteal fossa and use leg to axx Supine leg straight - use some traction, rotation, foot position and pillow under knee to alter forces Sitting Aim is to aid proprioceptiv feedback to joint can use some resistance Add traction/int/ext rotation Sidelying medial joint line HVT sidelying Supine

HIP Harmonic - leg roll, supine, can use cranial hand to fix iliac crest Axx - supine/sidelying Txx/Dxx improving extension sidelying cephalic hand can hold back at ASIS to work on RF cephalic hand can reinforce at gluteals cephalic hand can hold behind GT Pt can hold lower leg Add adb/add/int/ext rotation Upper leg can have knee flexed or extended Sidelying - fulcrum, pillowed op thigh. Supine Hug and vomit Pts knees bent and ops forearms used to txx

SIJ Axx - gapping/shearing/ant/post rotation - long/short lever HVT Supine Sidelying Prone Cosy Shear/gap Spanner posterior to pt Frog Short lever Sidelying Supine Anteriorise innominate - brace pts pelvis before roll Posteriorise innominate Chicago Leg tug (also gaps LS)

Pubic symphysis HVT/MET ST Shotgun Adductor longus, gacilis, rectus abdominus

Coccyx Examination ST Axx palpate for deviation Use int/ext rotatin of hip to assess mvmt Local inhibition Gluteus max Levator ani occygeus Sacrotuberous lig Sacrospinous lig Create fulcrum with thumb on coccyx and use legs as levers Place thumbs either side of coccyx and Axx/Txx txx/axx into extension

Lumbar HVT Axx/ST Rotation thrust Sidebending thrust T/L - flexion, rotation levers, with rotation thrust. Sidebeinding to lock up lumbars Mid lumbars LS upper and mid Lsp only Sidelying Prone Supine

Thorax Examination Axx/ST MET HVT Sitting Sidelying Sitting Supine Sidelying Prone Tsp and TES Ribs Upper Lower TSp Ribs Sternum Use arm as lever for ScapThor Ribs/Intercostals TSp/TES Scapulo-thoracic/ periscap Upper Lower TSp - Short/long lever Dorsal sprining Rib walking Intercostals Sternum Sitting Supine Split stance perpendicular to pt Split stance parallel to pt Split stance at 45 deg to pt

CT Axx - sitting HVT Sitting Supine Prone Lift off Sidebend thrust Cradle/chin hold - rotation thrust Cradle/chin hold - sidebend thrust Sidebend thrust to SP T1 Rotation thrust to TP T1

Techniques 1

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