GSCE Technology & Design


Typically sums up the components list of electronic control systems. Also includes the input (sensor/switch), process and output (actuator).
Note by afecathkane, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by afecathkane about 8 years ago

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Electronic Control Systems Components List

Input (sensor/switch)ThermistorTemperature - A thermistor has a high resistance in cold and a low resistance in heat.Light Dependant Resistor (LDR)Light - An LDR has a high resistance in dark and a low resistance in light.Pressure/Touch SensorPressure/touch - Two contacts close together produce a change in resistance when a finger is placed over them.Moisture SensorMoisture - By laying two metal contacts close together a sensor can be made that has a high resistance when it is dry and a low resistance when wet.MicroswitchContact - This switch is actuated by very little pysical force and can be used in a variety of circuits.ProcessMicrocontrollerGENIE PICOutput (Actuator)Light Emitting Diode (LED)Light - An LED is a miniture low energy bulb. They must be connected the correct way round to work. They are available in various colours.BulbLight - Bulbs give out light. They use a lot of energy so can drain a battery quite quickly.BuzzerSound - A buzzer gives continuous sound and is perfect for an alarm system.Piezo SounderSound - A piezo sounder is used to convert electrical signals into sound just like a speaker. It can be used to play musical tunes or create sounds.MotorMovement - A motor is an electrical component that converts electrical energy into mechanical motion by turning the electrical motor's axis.

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