Ownership Models of Media Organisations - Flashcards


A-level Level 3 Applied Digital Media FlashCards sobre Ownership Models of Media Organisations - Flashcards, criado por Chris Tench em 28-09-2017.
Chris Tench
FlashCards por Chris Tench, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Chris Tench
Criado por Chris Tench mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Conglomerate Ownership This is a type of ownership model. Conglomerates are large organisations that own other companies that contribute to the success of the overall conglomerate. These smaller companies are known as subsidiaries.
Independent Companies This is a company that is not owned by another company and operates independently. This means they are free to collaborate with whoever they want and have more creative freedom.
Public Service Ownership This is a company that exists to serve the public as opposed to commercial companies which exist to make a profit. The BBC is a public service company that is funded by the TV license fee.
Commercial Companies Commercial companies operate to make a profit for it's owners or shareholders. Disney is an example of a commercial company that exists to make profit through its wide variety of subsidiaries.
Cross Media Companies A cross media company is an organisation that operates in a number of sectors, creating a variety of media types. Sony is an example of this as it produces music, film, consoles etc.


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