
FlashCards sobre Sem título, criado por Paulino Rosas em 20-11-2014.
Paulino Rosas
FlashCards por Paulino Rosas, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Paulino Rosas
Criado por Paulino Rosas mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
it is used with 1.-name 2.-date 3.-nationality 4.-age 5.-verbs 6.-descriptions 7.-birth 8.-location 9.-feelings 10.-places
there could be direct and indrect answer example i am from mexico where are you from?
we used present continous to talk about an action happening in the momment or to talk about things happening now.
we used present continous to talk about an action or temporary activities.
we used past contionous to talk about background events .
we used past continous to talk about temporary past actions
we used past continous to talk about interrupted actions.
we used past continous to talk about a future arrangement or plans.
we used simple present to talk about habbit customes or routines.
i love to run at the park.
we used simple present to talk about facts and states / feelings and opinions.
and present continous Going to and P.C are used to talk about fixed future plans.
we used will to talk about a future prediction based on a personal point of view.
ana loves working out what does ana love?
we used going to to talk about a future prediction based on a strong evidence.
may, may not possible future events
past simple
we used past simple to talk about 1.- completed actions or sutuations in the past 2.-we used to talk about a past habit that is no longer true a pass state that has change 3.- a single action
1.-we used present perfect for an action that happend on an unespecified time in the past the action is more important than the time it happened.


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