Ethics: Control of Pain


Degree PPD FlashCards sobre Ethics: Control of Pain, criado por Hannah Tribe em 25-11-2014.
Hannah Tribe
FlashCards por Hannah Tribe, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hannah Tribe
Criado por Hannah Tribe mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is active euthanasia? An act that will cause someone's death (e.g. giving something knowing it will kill them)
What is passive euthanasia? An omission that results in death (e.g. switching off life support, or not giving treatment)
What are the key duties of doctors to patients in chronic pain? 1. To alleviate their pain as much as possible 2. To weigh up risks and benefits of the chosen methods of pain alleviation (e.g. side effects of drugs)
What is the idea of 'double effect'? The giving of a treatment whose primary intended effect is beneficial to the patient, despite the possible side effects (such as death), which are not intended.
As a doctor, what must you always consider when prescribing drugs to patients in chronic pain/at the end of their lives? Can you justify giving this patient this specific drug at this dose? Is it in line with their symptoms?
What are some factors that would weigh in favour of prosecution of someone thought to have assisted a suicide? 1. If the patient was under 18 2. If there were questions about the patient's mental capacity and wishes regarding death 3. If the patient had no terminal illness or incurable physical disability 4. If there was evidence of persuasion or pressure on the patient
What are some factors which may weigh against the prosecution of someone assisting a suicide? 1. If patient is over 18 and had clear mental capacity, with wishes to die 2. If patient had terminal illness or incurable physical disability 3. If the patient themselves initiated the process, and assisting person was a close relative/friend 4. If involvement of assistant was minimal


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