GCSE Edexcel Topic 2 - Cells and Control


GCSE Biology FlashCards sobre GCSE Edexcel Topic 2 - Cells and Control, criado por Malachy Moran-Tun em 20-10-2019.
Malachy Moran-Tun
FlashCards por Malachy Moran-Tun, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Criado por Malachy Moran-Tun mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is a Chromosome? Thread-like, coiled-up lengths of DNA molecules
How many Chromosomes are there in the Majority of Human Cells? 42
Cells with 2 copies of each Chromosome are called __________? Diploid cells
Mitosis creates two _______ cells, which include the _______ number of Chromosomes as the original cell. identical same
What's the order of the cell cycle? Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telephase Cytokinesis
What can Mitosis be used to do? Grow Replace damaged cells
Mitosis is a type of _______ reproduction asexual
What happens in Interphase? > Increases the amount of subcellular structures such as mitochondria and ribosomes > Duplicates DNA > DNA forms X-shaped chromosomes
What happens in Prophase? > Membrane around nucleus breaks down > Chromosomes lie free in cytoplasm
What happens in Metaphase? Chromosomes line up at the centre of the cell
What happens in Anaphase? > Spindle fibres pull chromosomes apart > Split chromosomes are pulled to opposite cell ends
What happens in Telophase? > Membranes form around the new chromosomes > These become the nuclei of each new cell Nucleus has fully divided by this point
What happens in Cytokinesis? > Cytoplasm and cell membrane divide > Form two separate cells
Cells at the end of Mitosis are called ________ cells daughter
What is cell differentiation / specialisation? > Cell becomes specialised for its job
What is Cancer caused by? Uncontrolled cell division
Do you know how percentile charts work? no? well find out i cba to put them on these flash cards because that requires images that are barely recognisable so look it up or something ok bye
What are Stem Cells? Unspecialised cells
Where are Stem cells found commonly? In human embryos
Embryonic stem cells can do what? Produce any type of cell
Where can Adult Stem cells be found? Certain places, but just say bone marrow as an example.
What's a flaw of adult stem cells? Can't specialise into every type of cell
Where could Plant Stem Cells be found? Meristems
Christ you've done a lot of revision Take a quick break, a min or two is good
Where could the Meristem be found Roots and shoots
Why are Stem cells useful? > Produce any type of cell for growth (especially in an embryo) > Use in medicine to cure diseases
How could stem cells be used in medicine? To replace damaged cells, such as neurones, muscles etc.
Why are people idiots? They believe that an embryo is alive and therefore creates ethical issues about the use of embryonic stem cells.
What does the Central Nervous System do? Coordinate a Response (decides what to do about a stimulus)
What is the CNS made up of? The brain and spinal cord
What is an effector? Muscle or gland
What does the CNS send information to? An effector
What are the 3 types of Neurone? 1. Sensory 2. Motor 3. Relay
What do Sensory Neurones do? > Long dendron carries nerve impulses from receptor cells to the cell boy > Short axon carries nerve impulses from cell body to CNS
What do Motor Neurones do? > Many short dendrites carry nerve impulses from the CNS to the cell body > Long axon carries nerve impulses from the cell body to effector cells
What do Relay Neurones do? > Many short dendrites carry nerve impulses from sensory neurones to the cell body > Axon carries nerve impulses from the cell boy to motor neurones
Order of Neurones (usually) Sensory --> Relay --> Motor
What do Synapses do? Connect Neurones
How is a nerve signal transferred in Synapses? Transferred by chemicals called neurotransmitters, which diffuse across the gap
Synapses are faster than regular Neurones True or False? False
Reflexes help _______ _______ prevent injury
Why are reflexes faster than normal muscular movement? The impulse doesn't travel through the brain
What is the Spinal Cord? Long column of neurones that run from the base of the brain down the spine
What are the 3 main parts of the brain? Cerebral Cortex Cerebellum Medulla (Oblongata)
What does the Cerebral Cortex do? Controls intelligence, memory, language, emotion etc.
What does the Cerebellum do? Controls muscle coordination (motor activities) and balance
What does the Medulla Oblongata do? Controls unconscious activities, like breathing, heartbeat etc.
What does CT Scanning do? > Uses X-Rays to produce an image of the brain > Shows the main structures of the brain > Allows to see a diseased or damaged section of the brain
What does PET Scanning do? > Uses radioactive chemicals to show active parts of the brain > Shows the function of the brain > Allows to detect abnormal activity (eg. disorders)
ok so im not putting a diagram of an eye in but y'know, find one on the interwebs or something
What is the sclera? The outer part of the eye
What does the cornea do? Let's light in (transparent part of the sclera)
What does the iris do? Controls how much light enters the pupil
What is the pupil? A big (or small) ol' hole in your eye unless you don't have eyes, and someone is reading this to you. if so, get some eyes jeez...
What does the lens do? Refracts light, focusing it onto the retina
What does the retina do? Contains light sensitive cells, which detect light
What are Rod Cells? Light sensitive cells that detect light intensity
What are Cone Cells? Light sensitive cells that detect colour
What are the 3 main colours cone cells detect? Red, Green and Blue RGB
What is long-sightedness caused by? Eyeball short
What type of contact-lens can be used to correct long-sightedness? Convex lens
What is short-sightedness caused by? Eyeball long
What type of contact-lens can be used to correct short-sightedness? Concave lens
WELL DONE! Unless you've shuffled this pack, you've completed everything. Now, DO IT AGAIN YOU PATHETIC UNKNOWLEDGEABLE IDIOT unless you knew everything, in which case, well done, good job, im very proud


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