Employability Key Skills


employability skills (Employability Skills) FlashCards sobre Employability Key Skills, criado por Linda (tutor) em 02-10-2012.
Linda (tutor)
FlashCards por Linda (tutor), atualizado more than 1 year ago
Linda (tutor)
Criado por Linda (tutor) mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Writing Conveying information to others clearly though writing
Oral Communication Expressing your ideas clearly and confidently in speech
Organising Able to plan activities and carry them through effectively
Analysing Able to carry out numerical operations and understand numerical data
Teamwork Working confidently within a group
Flexibility Adopting successfully to changing situations and environments
Persuading Able to convince others, to discuss and reach agreement
Analysing Gathering information systematically to establish facts and principles
Leadership Able to motivate and direct others
Computing Able to carry out computing tasks as a regular part of a job


Interview Techniques
Linda (tutor)
Realising Life Aspirations
Linda (tutor)
Biologia 10º ano
Mapa mental facilita memorização de conteúdos para vestibular
9 Gerenciamento de recursos humanos
Clenia Paradela
Química Orgânica (Part. I)
lorena dorea
Débora C. Nascimento
Conhecimentos Gerais
GoConqr suporte .
FCE Opposites Practice
Direito Constitucional I
Dani Savaris
Mapa Mental - Exame de Certificação CTFL-AT
Larissa Trindade