

History (USA) FlashCards sobre 1890-1920, criado por sophiesmith11 em 25-04-2013.
FlashCards por sophiesmith11, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por sophiesmith11 aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

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big 4 (W,LG,C,O) wilson (USA) Lloyd george (england) Clemenceau (france), orlando (italy)
league of nations "the war to end all wars"
opposition of the league of nations (3) (R: CL, I : WB 1) reservationists - led by cabot lodge. wanted amendments | 2) irreconcilables led by william borah.
new president & their policy harding - 'return to normalcy'
Monroe Doctrine (isolationist) stopped america fighting overseas | to avoid being involved in european wars unless american interests are involved.
reasons for spanish-american war (3) (CUL) cuban revolt (independence from spain)| USS maine exploded | letter from Spanish ambassador criticising McKinley.
open door policy free trading with japan/china.
platt amendment (1901) justify us involvement in cuban affairs | used to justify involvement in other latin american countries.
Alaska boundary dispute (1903) disagreement over the exact line of the southern border | border settlement obtained in favour of america.
Panama canal (1903-1914) (LZF) link pacific & atlantic (favourable to USA) | zone dominated by american regulation (showed power) | forced columbia to accept the creation of an independent republic of panama.
Roosevelt Corollary (1904) (FR) full control of latin america | right to exercise 'police power'| showed power.
dollar diplomacy (1909) (FP, DC) used financial power to establish american financial control in other countries | to avoid direct confrontations.
wilson's foreign policy approach (PE,DD,TM) peaceful and ethical | dollar diplomacy ended | troops sent to mexico to protect american business interests/stop border problems.
why were america neutral during ww1? (CT) many citizens were european and wanted to leave their problems behind | trade would benefit.
why america entered ww1 (3) (SIR) sinking of Lusitania | inteception on zimmerman telegraph | resumption of german unrestricted submarine warfare.
late entry into ww1 (6) (NNAARD) traditional attitudes of neutrality | no standing army | anti - imperialist ideas | anti- colonial ideas | resentment of british naval blockade | dislike of european powers amongst immigrants
wilson's idealism (4) (SD: NCP) self determination - no new empires, collective security, peace protected by international agreements.
why did people emigrate to america? (5) (JEPTN) job prospects | new booming country | entrepreneurial nature | political & religious freedom | transport (cheap to get there)
negative aspects of immigration (7) (PRVODP) prohibition | religious friction | rivalry between ethnic groups | violence/conflict | disease | over population | political issues (WASPS)
who supported prohibition? (4) (W:WFB) wets: working class men | farmers | brewers.
who opposed prohibition? (4) (D:WRR) drys: women | rural southerners | religious people.
4 leading business people & their industries (MRVC) JP Morgan (banking & finance) | Rockefeller (oil) | Vanderbilt (railways) | Carnegie (steel)
reasons for big business (8) (TLWNHDV) technology improvements | large industrial companies | western expansion | natural resources | high tariffs | dynamic society | vertical intergration.
trusts companies that controlled manufacture, supplies and prices.
monopolies one firm controlled a whole market for a product
Sherman anti trust act aimed to stop price fixing and unfair competition by monopolies
why was the populist party formed? (3) (SRF) support & represent the ideas of farmers | to fight big business.
problems faced by farmers (6) (FISHPH) falling prices | high tariffs | poor weather | improved transport (more competition) | high interest rates | shortage of credit |
Progressive presidents (3) Roosevelt | Taft | Wilson
federal reserve act (3) 1913 | ferderal reserve banks lent money to local banks | centralised banking systems |
Wilson's Anti-Trust legislation (2 policies) (1914) federal trade commission - to investigate businesses & stop unfair practices | clayton anti - trust act - certain business practices made illegal.
what led to western expansion? (10) (CRABIEDPMC) cuban revolt | imperialism | economic growth | dollar diplomacy | platt amendment | boundary dispute settlement | mediation in russian - japanese war | roosevelt | cabot lodge | alfred thayer mahn.


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