Departures from Ideal Matching


FlashCards sobre Departures from Ideal Matching, criado por cjjstone em 15-05-2014.
FlashCards por cjjstone, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por cjjstone aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Ideal Matching? The choice of behaviour of many species on concurrent VI schedules does approximately match relative reinforcement rates
systematic deviations from ideal matching Sensitivity to reinforcement rates and Biases
Undermatching Most common. Response allocation is less extreme than the matching law predicts, e.g., matching law predicts 65% on rich, and 37% on lean, but reality is 54% on rich and 46% on lean. The differences are less pronounced
Overmatching the response allocation is more extreme than the matching law predicts.
Factors influencing sensitivity COD and travel time, overall reinforcement rate.
Discriminality of the two response alternatives more discriminable (red light vs. green) = closer to matching law prediction less discriminable (red light vs. scarlet) = further from matching law prediction
Why is undermatching more common? Perhaps there is a difference in discimination. Or it could be something that is innate?
Biases Preference for one of the matching alternatives in excess of what the matching law predicts A response bias due to things other than the reinforcement rate
How to find a bias in your experiment? You need to do some counter balancing with different variables in the experiment. Put rats in different sides of the room, swap levels reinforcement rate etc.
Power law matching law version Log(Ba/Bb)=alog(Ra/Rb)+logk y m x b m=slope b=intercept
Steps to graphing the matching law Measure the relative responses Plot the y vs. x Find the straight line that represents that
The power in the line represents the undermatching/overmatching/matching of the responses to the matching law a>1=overmatching a=1=ideal matching a<1=undermatching


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