Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify.


Mapa Mental sobre Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify., criado por Ketherin Antoni em 01-10-2017.
Ketherin Antoni
Mapa Mental por Ketherin Antoni, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ketherin Antoni
Criado por Ketherin Antoni mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify.
  1. The deforestation in the Amazon grew 30% in 2016, latest data provided by the Environmental Research Institute of the Amazon.
    1. The proposal has undergone changes in Congress.
      1. Would increase the revenue of the Federal Government.
        1. The approval of the project will bring great loss of the Rainforest's area.
          1. It would reduce the amount of illegal workers.
            1. It can lead to extinction of animal and plant species, causing serious imbalance in the ecosystem.


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