Retainer Unit 1


Barbados Code of Ethics
Jaym S
Mapa Mental por Jaym S, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jaym S
Criado por Jaym S mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Retainer Unit 1
  1. Definition
    1. Attorney agrees to provide legal services to a client in return to pay a fee for those services
    2. Parties to a Retainer
      1. Attorney
        1. Must have a practicing certificate
          1. Part 8 Rule 57
        2. Client
          1. Adult Child (Next friend) Of sound mind As agent As PoA
            1. Must ID clients; imp for fees, liens
          2. Multiple Clients
            1. Conflict of Interest
              1. Part 4 Rule 26 (1)
                1. Attorney shall at the time of the retainer disclose to his client all the circumstances of his relations to the parties and his interest or connection with the controversy which might influence the client in his selection of an attorney.
                  1. Part 4 Rule 29
                    1. Part 8 Rule 67
                2. Joint and Several Retainer


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