Does the US Constitution still work?


A-Level Government and Politics (Constitution) Mapa Mental sobre Does the US Constitution still work?, criado por nicole.denheim em 21-10-2015.
Mapa Mental por nicole.denheim, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por nicole.denheim mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Does the US Constitution still work?
  1. Yes
    1. Federalism
      1. Has proved to be a great compromise
        1. Between strong national govt and state govt diversity
      2. Adaptable
        1. To the changes in American Society
        2. Amendment Process
          1. Very demanding
            1. Prevented frequent and ill-conceived amendments
          2. Rights & Liberties
            1. Have been protected
            2. Judicial Review in Supreme Court
              1. Made Constitution even more adaptable
                1. Through 'interpretive amendment'
            3. No
              1. Amendment Process
                1. Too difficult
                  1. Almost impossible to remove parts no longer applicable
                    1. Or add parts which a majority desires
                2. Power of Judicial Review
                  1. Gives the Supreme Court too much power
                    1. Judges are essentially allowed to 'amened' the meaning of the Constitution
                  2. Constitution is too negative
                    1. Giving too much power to those who oppose change and causing gridlock
                    2. Applicability
                      1. Some parts make no sense in today's society
                        1. e.g. 2nd Amendment & Electoral College
                      2. Not as the FF would have envisaged
                        1. e.g. War-making power & Process of SC Justices


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