Population unevenly spread


Why is Kenya's Population unevenly spread?
Mapa Mental por LordVaishnav, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por LordVaishnav mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Population unevenly spread
  1. reasons- village to city
    1. more job oppurtunities
      1. available
      2. lifestyle
        1. different
          1. modern
          2. scope for education
            1. people like to live in developed areas
              1. rather than
                1. non-developed
            2. Advantages of living in Nairobi
              1. modern buildings
                1. hospitals
                  1. shops
                    1. university
                    2. Ability
                      1. use skills
                        1. out of village
                          1. in city
                        2. more
                          1. resources
                            1. tech advancement


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