Morley-Minto Reforms/Indian Councils Act 1909


Mapa Mental sobre Morley-Minto Reforms/Indian Councils Act 1909, criado por cameronporter96 em 17-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por cameronporter96, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por cameronporter96 aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Morley-Minto Reforms/Indian Councils Act 1909
  1. Failure?
    1. Too radical for some, not radical enough for others
      1. Extremists disliked restricted electorate
        1. Congress opposed sep. electorates and protection of minority
          1. Caused division in Hindu-Muslim nationalists
          2. Seen as direct attempt to divide and rule by some in Congress
            1. Electorate was tiny (4000 voted in total)
              1. Positions granted purely advisory
                1. 168 resolutions made by 1917, 24 accepted
              2. Success?
                1. Indians involved in policy - not huge but legal significant voice
                  1. End of all-white colonial rule
                    1. Supported by some educated moderate Indians - Congress supported reforms
                      1. Didn't totally alienate - evidence of those who fought for Britain in WWI
                        1. Muslims appeased by separate electorates
                          1. Did drive wedge between Muslim/Hindu members for Congress
                          2. Reforms
                            1. 135 Indian members of Councils (up from 39)
                              1. 60 Indian reps elected to Viceroy's council
                                1. 27 from interest groups (landowners, rich, educated, Muslims etc) officials still majority
                                2. Provincial councils enlarged - non official majority
                                  1. Separate electorates - Muslims ensured voice
                                  2. Reforms made law in Indian Councils Act 1909


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