PS 280- (5) Somatic Symptoms & Dissociative Disorder


Alyssa Elligson
Quiz by Alyssa Elligson, updated more than 1 year ago
Alyssa Elligson
Created by Alyssa Elligson almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Dissociative Disorders are:
  • characterized by severe disturbances of identity, memory & consciousness
  • psychological trauma & emotional distress are commonly viewed as casual factors
  • something dissociative
  • distracting brain

Question 2

Dissociative [blank_start]Identity[blank_end] Disorder (DID): DSM-5: -at least [blank_start]2[blank_end] distinct personalities exist within the person -2 or mot of these personalities repeatedly take control of individuals behaviour -failure to recall important personal information too substantial to be accounted for forgetness -not due to psychoactive substance or general medical condition
  • Identity
  • somatic
  • indentification
  • 2
  • 3
  • 5
  • 4
  • 1

Question 3

[blank_start]Host[blank_end] vs [blank_start]Alters[blank_end]: -host need not be aware of alters -each personality (alter) may be distinct & have different behaviours -Average # of alters = [blank_start]13[blank_end] (some cases 100+) -transition from one alter to another is called a [blank_start]switch[blank_end]; trigger = stress (cue from environment)
  • Host
  • Alters
  • 13
  • switch

Question 4

Symptoms of DID: -Another person existing inside- [blank_start]90%[blank_end] -Voices talking- [blank_start]87%[blank_end] -Amnesia for childhood- [blank_start]83%[blank_end] -Referring to self as "we" or "us"- [blank_start]74%[blank_end] -Blank spells- 68% -being told of unremembered events- 63% -feelings of unreality- 57% -strangers know the patient- 44% -noticing that objects are missing- 42% -coming out of a blank spell in a strange place- 36% -objects are present that cannot be accounted for- 31% -different handwriting styles - 28%
  • 90%
  • 80%
  • 70%
  • 87%
  • 85%
  • 84%
  • 83%
  • 82%
  • 74%
  • 75%
  • 73%

Question 5

Etiology (causation) of DID:
  • vast majority result of intense psychological trauma: DID= way of coping
  • Dissociative vulnerability- genetic component (some evidence runs in families)
  • often multiple diagnoses- difficult to treat
  • born with it

Question 6

Dissociative Amnesia is the inability to recall important personal information
  • True
  • False

Question 7

Dissociative Amnesia: -real & complete memory loss- in the absence of [blank_start]physical[blank_end] or medical cause -often only [blank_start]personal[blank_end] info lost -[blank_start]Sudden[blank_end] onset, usually in response to traumatic or stressful experience -different from (VS) real brain injury & amnesia
  • physical
  • mental
  • emotional
  • personal
  • important
  • group
  • Sudden
  • planned
  • recurring

Question 8

Types of Dissociative Amnesia: 1. [blank_start]Localized[blank_end] Amnesia: fail to remember info during a specific time period (most common) 2. [blank_start]Selective[blank_end] Amnesia: only parts of the trauma are recalled 3. [blank_start]Continuous[blank_end] Amnesia: forget info from a specific date until present time 4. [blank_start]Systematized[blank_end] Amnesia: only certain categories of info are forgotten 5. [blank_start]Generalized[blank_end] Amnesia: forget entire life
  • localized
  • selective
  • continuous
  • systematized
  • generalized

Question 9

Dissociative Amnesia with or without (specifier) Dissociative Fugue:
  • sudden, unexpected flight from home, inability to remember past and who one is
  • brief in duration (few days, few weeks)
  • typically sudden onset (response to trauma/stress)
  • often no memory of what occurred during fugue state
  • behaviour during fugue state isn't unusual (although little to no contact with others)

Question 10

De[blank_start]personalization[blank_end] Disorder: feeling of being detached from oneself De[blank_start]realization[blank_end] Disorder: feeling of being detached from one's surroundings
  • personalization
  • realization
  • personalized
  • realization
  • Personalization
  • reality

Question 11

Depersonalization Disorder: -feel as though one is in a dream, outside of one's body -[blank_start]sudden[blank_end] onset -"no impairment in memory or identity confusion" For diagnosis: -experiences are persistent or [blank_start]recurrent[blank_end] -marked distress Etiology: -note: abuse, trauma, war ([blank_start]coping[blank_end] mechanism)
  • sudden
  • recurrent
  • coping

Question 12

Psychodynamic Theory:
  • massive use of repression
  • dissociative amnesia & fugue: repression to reduce anxiety
  • dissociative identity disorder: express unacceptable urges via alters
  • is psychoanalytic response

Question 13

Learning & Cognitive Theories:
  • dissociation= learned response that involves not thinking about disturbing acts or thoughts; negative reinforcement (reduces anxiety)
  • is about learning theories
  • involves CBT

Question 14

Diathesis-Stress Model:
  • proneness to fantasize, highly hypnotizable= diathesis
  • abuse, trauma, warfare- stress
  • attempts to explain a disorder as the result of an interaction between a predispositional vulnerability and a stress caused by life experiences
  • none of the above

Question 15

Treatment: Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) -difficult to treat treatment involves: -[blank_start]reintegration[blank_end]: safely relive traumatic experiences & make them conscious -[blank_start]medications[blank_end]: e.g. anti-anxiety & anti-depressants Depersonalization Disorder: treatment involves: -medications: [blank_start]SSRI[blank_end]s- deal with anxiety & depression
  • reintegration
  • medications
  • SSRI

Question 16

(1&2 important) 1. [blank_start]Somatic[blank_end] Symptom Disorder: characterized by: distress about having physical symptoms for which there is [blank_start]no[blank_end] physical cause -high levels of anxiety about health or symptoms -feeling this way for [blank_start]>6[blank_end] months 2. [blank_start]Illness[blank_end] Anxiety Disorder: -excessive concern about serious illness -longstanding ([blank_start]6+[blank_end]months) fears of having a serious illness, despite assurance that these fears are groundless -misinterprets [blank_start]minor[blank_end] bodily symptoms as evidence of a serious disease
  • Somatic
  • Autonic
  • Automatic
  • no
  • is
  • is many
  • >6
  • <6
  • equal
  • Illness
  • disease
  • personalized disease
  • 6+
  • -6
  • 7 or more
  • minor
  • major
  • no

Question 17

3. [blank_start]Conversion[blank_end] Disorder: -loss or impairment of physical function but [blank_start]no[blank_end] physical cause: formerly hysteria -motor or sensory functioning symptoms are usually fascinating: -motor deficits -conversion stocking or glove anesthesia Note- symptoms often [blank_start]do not[blank_end] match the medical conditions they suggest 4. [blank_start]Factitious[blank_end] Disorder: distinguished from: [blank_start]Malingering[blank_end]: purposefully adopts the sick role and complains of symptoms to achieve a particular end (e.g. getting out of a midterm) Factitious Disorder: psychological disorder characterized by the intentional fabrication of or physical symptoms for no apparent gain *Most common form= [blank_start]munchausen[blank_end] Syndrome
  • Conversion
  • connection
  • communication
  • no
  • a lot
  • significant
  • do not
  • do
  • Factitious
  • facts
  • forming conclusion
  • Malingering
  • lingering
  • malnutrition
  • munchausen
  • memory
  • memory loss

Question 18

[blank_start]Etiology[blank_end] of Factitious Disorder: [blank_start]Psychodynamic[blank_end] Theory: -emotions converted into physical symptoms -symptoms may be functional (e.g. paralysis of arm) [blank_start]Learning[blank_end] Theories: -reinforcing properties of the sick role -relief of responsibility -attention, empathy [blank_start]Cognitive[blank_end] Mechanisms (re attention to somatic events): -interpretation of the meaning & significance of these events (e.g. catastrophizing) -uncontrollable preoccupation with somatic experiences [blank_start]Formative[blank_end] Experiences: -personal experience with personal illness -socialization & prior experience with illness [blank_start]Treatment:[blank_end] behavioural approach: reward attempts to assume responsibility & remove sources of reinforcement (stress management) Cognitive Restructuring: avoid catastrophizing Antidepressants: SSRIs for hypochondrias
  • Etiology
  • beginning
  • Psychodynamic
  • psychological
  • psychoanalytic
  • Learning
  • behavioural
  • experiences
  • Cognitive
  • Controlling
  • Formative
  • Treatment:
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