Chapter 3 - part 7: Heredity and Behaviour: Is It All in the Genes?


Psychology Quiz on Chapter 3 - part 7: Heredity and Behaviour: Is It All in the Genes?, created by Vincent Voltaire on 08/02/2020.
Vincent Voltaire
Quiz by Vincent Voltaire, updated more than 1 year ago
Vincent Voltaire
Created by Vincent Voltaire over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What do we call the interdisciplinary field that studies the influence of inherited traits on complex behaviour?
  • cross-cultural anthropology
  • behavioural genetics
  • physiological psychology
  • ethology

Question 2

Which of the following is true of genes but not chromosomes?
  • They contain gonadotropins.
  • They contain DNA.
  • They are found in zygotes.
  • There are thousands of them in each sperm or egg.

Question 3

What is the genetic complement of all cells in the human body, except sex cells?
  • 23 chromosomes
  • 46 chromosomes
  • 23 recessive genes and 23 dominant genes
  • 46 pairs of chromosomes

Question 4

How many chromosomes does a zygote contain?
  • 1 pair
  • 2 pairs
  • 23 pairs
  • 46 pairs

Question 5

How many possible combinations of chromosomes are possible when you combine one person’s sperm with another person’s egg?
  • 529, or 23 squared
  • 2,116, or 46 squared
  • 8 million, or 2 to the 23
  • 70 trillion, or 2 to the 46 ANSWER: b

Question 6

What do we call a pairing of genes with one dominant and one recessive gene?
  • homozygous
  • phenotypic
  • heterozygous
  • polygenic

Question 7

What do we call the member of a gene pair that is more influential in terms of expressing a trait?
  • phenotypic
  • expressive
  • recessive
  • dominant

Question 8

Assume that developing a sixth toe is a recessive trait that is controlled by a single pair of genes. If a child has six toes, but both the child’s parents have normal feet, what can you conclude?
  • The child is heterozygous for the trait in question.
  • Both parents are heterozygous for the trait in question.
  • Both parents are homozygous for the trait in question.
  • The child is adopted.

Question 9

What is the term for the specific pattern of genes that an individual inherits at conception?
  • phenotype
  • zygote
  • polygenic inheritance
  • genotype

Question 10

What is a person’s genotype?
  • their biological or chromosomal sex
  • the maternal contribution to their genetic makeup
  • their genetic makeup
  • their observable characteristics and traits

Question 11

Which of the following is determined at conception and is essentially fixed forever?
  • phenotype
  • somatotype
  • genotype
  • zygote

Question 12

Shane and Blane are monozygotic twins. However, people seldom get the two brothers mixed up because Blane is almost two inches shorter than Shane. What can you conclude based on this evidence?
  • Because the brothers display different phenotypes, they must also have different underlying genotypes.
  • Even though both brothers share the same genotype, they display different phenotypes.
  • Even though both brothers display the same phenotype, they have different genotypes.
  • Blane is heterozygous for the “tallness” trait, and Shane is homozygous for the “tallness” trait.

Question 13

If a trait is described as polygenic, what does that mean?
  • It is controlled by a single gene.
  • It is controlled by a single chromosome.
  • It is controlled by more than one pair of genes.
  • It is controlled by genes on all 46 chromosomes.

Question 14

Skin colour is determined by three to five gene pairs. Based on this information, what type of trait is skin colour?
  • a monogenic trait
  • a polygenic trait
  • a homozygous trait
  • a heterozygous trait

Question 15

Why are all human studies about the interaction of genes and environment correlational?
  • to assess the effects of modern child-rearing methods
  • to demonstrate the empirical nature of psychological research
  • to meet ethical standards in research
  • to disentangle the effects of genetics and experience on behavioural traits

Question 16

Which two individuals would we expect to have the GREATEST degree of phenotypic similarity?
  • mother and daughter
  • monozygotic twins
  • dizygotic twins
  • father and son

Question 17

Four sisters were all raised in the same household by parents who are very creative and artistic. Anna and Betty are the biological children of their parents, while Cassie and Deanna were adopted as infants into the family. Like their parents, Anna and Betty are artistically inclined and enjoy working on creative projects. Cassie and Deanna are not particularly interested in artistic endeavours even though they’ve received a lot of exposure to art and a lot of encouragement for creative work. Which of the following conclusions would be reasonable if this pattern occurred in a variety of similar families?
  • Environmental factors have more influence than genetic factors in artistic interest.
  • Both genetic and environmental factors contribute equally to artistic interest.
  • Genetic factors have more influence than environmental factors in artistic interest.
  • Neither genetic nor environmental factors contribute to artistic interest.

Question 18

Which of the following supports the hypothesis that intelligence is influenced by environmental factors?
  • Twins reared apart have similar intelligence scores.
  • Monozygotic twins are more similar than dizygotic twins on intelligence measures.
  • Identical twins do not have identical intelligence scores.
  • The correlations between dizygotic twins’ intelligence scores are around 0.60.

Question 19

Londra and Sondra are identical twins who have been raised together in the same home. Londra has developed a psychological disorder, but Sondra does not appear to have the same disorder. What does this suggest about the disorder if this pattern holds for other identical twins?
  • Genetic factors have more influence than environmental factors in this disorder.
  • Both genetic and environmental factors contribute equally to this disorder.
  • Neither genetic nor environmental factors contribute to this disorder.
  • Environmental factors have more influence than genetic factors in this disorder.

Question 20

Phong and Phan are identical twins who have been raised apart in separate adoptive homes. However, both brothers have developed the same psychological disorder. What does this evidence suggest?
  • Genetic factors have more influence than environmental factors in this disorder.
  • Environmental factors have more influence than genetic factors in this disorder.
  • Neither genetic nor environmental factors contribute to this disorder.
  • Both genetic and environmental factors contribute equally to this disorder.

Question 21

Mary and Celine are identical twins who have been raised apart in separate adoptive homes. Mary has developed a psychological disorder, but Celine does not appear to have the same disorder. What does this evidence suggest?
  • Environmental factors have more influence than genetic factors in this disorder.
  • Both genetic and environmental factors contribute equally to this disorder.
  • Genetic factors do not influence this disorder.
  • Genetic factors have more influence than environmental factors in this disorder.

Question 22

What can we conclude about the heritability of intelligence, based on adoption studies?
  • Genotype determines intelligence.
  • Adoption studies do not provide enough evidence to assess the relative contributions of genes and experience on intelligence.
  • Family environment is the strongest influence on intelligence.
  • Both genes and environment contribute to intelligence.

Question 23

Which of the following comparison groups has a significant similarity with adopted children, based on research on adopted children and intelligence?
  • their biological parents
  • both sets of parents
  • their adoptive parents
  • neither set of parents

Question 24

Donavon was adopted at birth by Mr. and Mrs. Erndt. Although neither of his biological parents had much musical ability, Donavon has become an excellent pianist, just like Mr. Erndt. What would this evidence suggest if this pattern held up across multiple adoption studies?
  • Genetic factors have more influence than environmental factors in musical talent.
  • Environmental factors have more influence than genetic factors in musical talent.
  • Neither genetic nor environmental factors contribute to musical talent.
  • Both genetic and environmental factors contribute equally to musical talent.

Question 25

If you are working on the Human Genome Project, which of the following types of traits are you most likely to be able to map?
  • behavioural traits, like aggression
  • physical traits that are highly polygenic
  • dichotomous traits that are either present or absent
  • polygenic traits with high worldwide variance

Question 26

What do we know about the heritability of schizophrenia?
  • Schizophrenia is primarily social in origin, rather than biological.
  • Schizophrenia is inherited through the male line, which is why we don’t see heritability from mothers to children.
  • Schizophrenia is essentially a personality variant, which is highly heritable.
  • Schizophrenia likely results from an inherited vulnerability that interacts with experience.

Question 27

Dean is conducting a study in which he exposes rats to different amounts of noise to cause different amounts of stress. He then evaluates whether the offspring of those rats have different reactions to stress. What sort of study is Dean conducting?
  • epigenetic study
  • behaviour genetic study
  • genetic mapping study
  • polygenic study
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