IGCSE Business - Cash, Costs, Break Even, Statements etc


GCSE Business - Cash, Costs, Break Even, Statements
Michelle Parker
Quiz by Michelle Parker, updated more than 1 year ago
Michelle Parker
Created by Michelle Parker over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Cash is the most [blank_start]liquid[blank_end] (asset that is easily changed into cash) of all business assets. Cash is the [blank_start]notes & coins[blank_end] a business keeps on the premises & any money it has in the bank. Without cash a business can’t trade. Businesses also need cash to pay for [blank_start]overheads[blank_end]. Businesses will often get bills for the services they have already used; if they aren’t paid the services will be cut. Finally, if a business can’t pay its employees; they will [blank_start]walk out.[blank_end]
  • liquid
  • runny
  • notes & coins
  • credit & debit cards
  • overheads
  • big things
  • walk out.
  • loan the business money

Question 2

Cashflow is a prediction of all expected receipts & expenses of a business over a future time period, which shows the expected cash balance at the end of each month.
  • True
  • False

Question 3

Why are Cash Flow Forecasts Important?
  • Cash flow forecasts are useful for : identifying cash shortages, supporting applications for funding, help planning the business and monitoring cash flow
  • A cash flow forecast provides the business with a 100% accurate picture of business spend and future profits

Question 4

If a business is insolvent it is .....?
  • doing really well financially
  • unable to meet its debts
  • looking to branch out into a different business area

Question 5

Businesses have to pay for the resources they use. These expenses might include wages, raw materials, components, energy and machinery. They are called costs. However, there are different types of business costs. Some costs stay the same when a business produces more output, but others go up when more is produced. Select the 4 FIXED COSTS (sometimes known as OVERHEADS)
  • rent
  • packaging
  • advertising
  • raw materials
  • research and development costs
  • fuel
  • insurance payments
  • labour (staff)

Question 6

In business, it is crucial to know how much [blank_start]output[blank_end] needs to be sold to cover costs. If costs are not covered by [blank_start]revenue,[blank_end] the business will make a loss. If revenue is greater than costs, the business will make a profit. If costs are exactly the same as revenue, the business will [blank_start]break even.[blank_end]
  • output
  • input
  • revenue,
  • output
  • break even.
  • close

Question 7

Break-even point is where total cost and total revenue meet
  • True
  • False

Question 8

Break-even charts are [blank_start]graphs[blank_end] which show how costs and revenues of a business change with sales. They show the level of sales the business must make in order to [blank_start]break-even.[blank_end]
  • graphs
  • drawings
  • break-even.
  • do well

Question 9

The margin of safety is the amount sales can fall before the break-even point is reached and the business makes no profit. This calculation also tells a business how many sales they have made over their break-even point (BEP). The larger the margin of safety, the lower the risk for a business.
  • True
  • False

Question 10

If a business has a break even point of of 100 products and it sells 150 of those products then the margin of safety is ?
  • 100 products
  • 50 products
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