Leg and Ankle


This is a quiz for module 1, week 3, leg and ankle
Anand Brahmbhatt
Quiz by Anand Brahmbhatt, updated more than 1 year ago
Anand Brahmbhatt
Created by Anand Brahmbhatt almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which of the following is the major joint between the thigh and the tibia & fibula?
  • Tibiofibular Syndesmosis
  • Inferior Tibiofibular
  • Superior Tibiofibular
  • Tibiofibular Joint

Question 2

The Tibiofibular Syndesmosis is the inferior joint of the lower limb that promotes movement between the fibula and the tibia.
  • True
  • False

Question 3

While growing up, an overweight Monica was playing with Ross on their trampoline. Monica and Ross jumped simultaneously, inducing a collision with each other after which Monica was thrown from the trampoline. She fell right on the heel of her right foot upon which she immediately collapsed with a resulting fracture. What is the most probable cause of her immediate collapse from the following? (Note: Ross has strong bones, he is a paleontologist - he is fine).
  • Upon impact, Monica's foot was inverted causing an ankle joint dislocation.
  • Upon impact, Monica's tibia and fibula simultaneously fractured most near to her knee joint.
  • Upon impact, Monica's weight bearing bone (the fibula) is broken leaving her unable to stand.
  • Upon impact, Monica's tibia and fibula simultaneously fractured most near to each bone's mid shaft .

Question 4

Which of the following are the compartments of the leg? Check all that apply.
  • Anterior
  • Posterior
  • Lateral
  • Medial

Question 5

Which of the following separate the compartments of the leg? Check all that apply.
  • Interosseous Membrane
  • Medial Intermuscular Septa
  • Anterior Intermuscular Septa
  • Lateral Intermuscular Septa
  • Posterior Intermuscular Septa

Question 6

Phoebe, while running, has damaged her extensor digitorum longus muscle. Which nerve supplies the compartment in which her muscle has been hurt?
  • Deep fibular N.
  • Anterior Tibial N.
  • Tibial N.
  • Posterior Tibial N.

Question 7

Which is the incorrect statement from the following?
  • The extensor compartment of the leg is innervated by the deep fibular nerve.
  • The lateral compartment of the leg is innervated by the superficial fibular nerve.
  • The posterior compartment of the leg is innervated by the tibial nerve.
  • The anterior compartment does not have an artery running through.
  • The lateral compartment does not have an artery running through.

Question 8

Which of the following is not a superficial muscle in the posterior compartment of the leg?
  • Gastrocnemius
  • Tibialis Posterior
  • Plantaris
  • Soleus

Question 9

Which of the following statements regarding arterial supply to the leg is true?
  • The popliteal artery is the arterial supply for the leg.
  • The popliteal artery divides into the lateral and medial tibial artery.
  • The popliteal artery divides into the posterior and anterior tibial artery.
  • A and C
  • A and B
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