"A Retrieved Reformation"


A series of quiz questions on O. Henry's short story "A Retrieved Reformation"
Quiz by kelly.bernhardt, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kelly.bernhardt almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Why was Jimmy Valentine pardoned by the governor at the start of the story?
  • He was innocent and had never cracked a safe in his life.
  • He had friends on the outside.
  • He saved the life of a little girl.
  • The mean old jury had it in for him.

Question 2

Based on the following sentence, to "disregard" something is to what? "Disregarding the song of the birds, the waving green trees, and the smell of the flowers, Jimmy headed straight for a restaurant."
  • To listen
  • To see
  • To ignore
  • To smell

Question 3

Which of the following actions is the first clue that Jimmy Valentine is a hero?
  • At the bus depot, "He tossed a quarter into the hat of a blind man sitting by the door, and boarded his train."
  • At the prison, he tells the warden "Why, I never cracked a safe in my life."
  • When he met Annabel Adams, "Jimmy Valentine looked into her eyes, forgot what he was, and became another man."
  • When he broke open the "unbreakable" safe, and "Agatha, almost collapsed, but safe, was gathered into her mother's arms."

Question 4

A theme of a story is [blank_start]the moral or life lesson[blank_end]. A theme must be two things: it must be [blank_start]a complete sentence[blank_end], and it must be [blank_start]general, not specific[blank_end]. An example of a good theme for "A Retrieved Reformation" would be you are not defined by your past, but by the choices you make for your future.
  • the moral or life lesson
  • the main idea
  • the way an author feels
  • they way a reader feels
  • one word that sums up the story
  • a complete sentence
  • a quote from the story
  • part of the conflict
  • related to the main character
  • a particular part of the story
  • general, not specific

Question 5

The main part of the exposition is [blank_start]Jimmy Valentine is freed from prison[blank_end]. The main part of the rising action are [blank_start]Jimmy falls for Annabel.[blank_end] The conflict is [blank_start]Jimmy vs. Ralph[blank_end] The main part of the climax are [blank_start]Jimmy saves Agatha[blank_end]. The main part of the falling action are [blank_start]Jimmy gives himself up[blank_end]. The main part of the resolution are [blank_start]Ben lets Jimmy go.[blank_end]
  • Jimmy Valentine is freed from prison
  • Jimmy Valentine ate at a restaurant.
  • Jimmy moves to Elmore.
  • Jimmy falls for Annabel
  • Jimmy vs. Ralph
  • Jimmy vs. Ben
  • Jimmy saves Agatha
  • Agatha is trapped in the safe.
  • Jimmy gives his tools to a friend.
  • Jimmy gives himself up.
  • Jimmy and Annabel get married.
  • Ben lets "Ralph" go.

Question 6

When Jimmy says "I don't understand. I'm representing the New York Amalgamated Short Snap Biscuit Cracker and Frazzled Wheat Company." he is demonstrating verbal irony.
  • True
  • False

Question 7

"There he tasted the first sweet joys of liberty in the shape of a broiled chicken" is an example of this literary device: [blank_start]a metaphor[blank_end].
  • a metaphor

Question 8

"Then an old-fashioned bank-safe in Jefferson City became active and threw out of its crater an eruption of bank-notes amounting to five thousand dollars" is a [blank_start]metaphor[blank_end] comparing the bank safe to a [blank_start]volcano[blank_end].
  • metaphor
  • volcano

Question 9

"Ben Price knew Jimmy's habits. He had learned them while working on the Springfield case. Long jumps, quick get-aways, no confederates, and a taste for good society--these ways had helped Mr. Valentine to become noted as a successful dodger of retribution." is an example of [blank_start]characterization[blank_end].
  • characterization

Question 10

"Jimmy Valentine looked into her eyes, forgot what he was, and became another man." is an example of [blank_start]hyperbole[blank_end].
  • hyperbole

Question 11

In the following sentence, the word "venture" most closely means what? "It had been more than a year now since those last professional "jobs," and he thought he could safely venture out."
  • a risky or daring journey or undertaking
  • make a journey, typically of some length
  • break free from confinement or control
  • dare to do something that may be dangerous of unpleasant

Question 12

"A Retrieved Reformation" is told in [blank_start]third person omniscient[blank_end] point of view.
  • first person
  • second person
  • third person limited
  • third person omniscient

Question 13

Identify the error in this line of the story: "Lot of nickel-plated shoe-horns in there."
  • run-on sentence
  • comma splice
  • sentence fragment
  • no error

Question 14

Ben Price arrested Jimmy Valentine.
  • True
  • False

Question 15

Identify the error in this line of the story: "And look how clean those tumblers were punched out!"
  • run-on sentence
  • comma splice
  • sentence fragment
  • no error

Question 16

Identify the error in this line of the story: "It had been more than a year now since those last professional 'jobs' and he thought he could safely venture out."
  • run-on sentence
  • comma splice
  • sentence fragment
  • no error

Question 17

Identify the error in the following sentence: "He was now dressed in tasteful and well-fitting clothes, he carried his dusted and cleaned suit-case in his hand "
  • run-on sentence
  • comma splice
  • sentence fragment
  • no error

Question 18

Identify the error in the following sentence: "Pulling out from the wall a folding-bed, Jimmy slid back a panel in the wall and dragged out a dust-covered suit-case."
  • run-on sentence
  • comma splice
  • sentence fragment
  • no error

Question 19

Where did Jimmy Valentine plan on moving?
  • North
  • South
  • East
  • West

Question 20

Jimmy originally went to Elmore to look for a location to go into business.
  • True
  • False
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