Chapter 4: Sensation and Perception


Chapter 4: Sensation and Perception Textbook Quiz for Psych 1020
Karina Lozano
Quiz by Karina Lozano, updated more than 1 year ago
Karina Lozano
Created by Karina Lozano almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Suppose you are looking at a globe of the world. Although the ____________ is a sphere, you'd expect the ____________ to be a circle.
  • Distal; absolute
  • Distal; proximal
  • Threshold; distal
  • Proximal; distal

Question 2

When you first walked into a room, you were overwhelmed by the smell of someone's perfume. Over time, you become less aware of the smell. This is an example of
  • A psychometric function.
  • Sensory adaptation.
  • An illusion.
  • Transduction.

Question 3

The conversion of one form of physical energy into another is called
  • Sensory adaptation.
  • Transduction.
  • Sensory reception.
  • Photoreception.

Question 4

If you walk into a room that has very low illumination, your ____________ are likely to contribute more than your ____________ to your visual experience.
  • Rods; amacrine cells
  • Horizontal cells; rods
  • Cones; rods
  • Rods; cones

Question 5

Which of these pairs does not play a role in opponent-process theory?
  • Red vs. green
  • White vs. black
  • Yellow vs. blue
  • Blue vs. green

Question 6

In a study of physical and social pain, researchers demonstrated that people's brains responded
  • More strongly for physical pain.
  • More strongly for social pain.
  • In the same areas for both types of pain.
  • In different areas for the two types of pain.

Question 7

When Shirley walks into a party, she looks around the room to find her husband Paul. This is an example of
  • Goal-driven attention.
  • Stimulus-driven attention.
  • Temporal integration.
  • Sensory adaptation.

Question 8

Tomas owns a ring with a very small gap in it. The law of ____________ explains why most people perceive his ring to be intact.
  • Similarity
  • Common fate
  • Good continuation
  • Closure

Question 9

While engaging in stimulated driving, Michael had a conversation on a hands-free cell phone. Based on experimental evidence, you predict that Michael
  • Would behave differently if he were driving a real car out on the road.
  • Would pay more attention to the visual environment than to his conversation.
  • Failed to attend to objects in the visual environment.
  • Failed to look at objects in the visual environment.

Question 10

Just as Chris says, "I love you," a truck sounds its horn. Although the horn covered the l sound in love, Pat still perceives love as intact. This is an example of
  • Bottom-up processing.
  • Perceptual constancy.
  • Top-down processing.
  • Good continuation.
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