Lectures 3-6 Cardiac Physiology


Veterinary Bioscience 1: Cardiovascular System (Anatomy and Physiology Lectures) Quiz on Lectures 3-6 Cardiac Physiology, created by Daniel Mosele on 28/08/2016.
Daniel Mosele
Quiz by Daniel Mosele, updated more than 1 year ago
Daniel Mosele
Created by Daniel Mosele about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which of the following statements are TRUE regarding cardiac myocytes?
  • the vast majority of intracellular proteins are fixed and carry a positive charge
  • The equilibrium membrane potential for Na+ is higher than the potential for K+
  • Action potentials are initiated by the opening of voltage gated Calcium channels
  • The delayed opening of voltage gated sodium channels are responsible for maintaining the plateau of the action potential
  • This graph is an accurate representation of the predicted membrane potential over time.

Question 2

The Na+/K+ ATPase helps maintain the resting membrane potential of roughly -85mV in cardiac myocytes. For each unit of ATP expended [blank_start]3[blank_end] [blank_start]Na+[blank_end] Ions are pumped out and [blank_start]2[blank_end] [blank_start]K+[blank_end] ions pumped in
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
  • Na+
  • K+
  • 2
  • 1
  • 3
  • K+
  • Na+

Question 3

During Diastole which of the following movement of ions are occurring in cardiac myocytes.
  • There is a Net Passive movement of Na+ ions into the cell
  • There is a Net Passive movement of Na+ ions out of the cell
  • There is a Net Passive movement of K+ ions into the cell
  • There is a Net Passive movement of K+ ions out of the cell
  • There is a Net Passive movement of Ca2+ ions into the cell
  • There is a Net Passive movement of Ca2+ ions out of the cell
  • Na+ is being actively pumped into the cell in exchange for K+ which is being pumped out
  • Na+ is being actively pumped into the cell in exchange for Ca2+ which is being pumped out
  • K+ is being actively pumped into the cell in exchange for Na+ which is being pumped out
  • Ca2+ is being actively pumped into the cell in exchange for Na+ which is being pumped out

Question 4

Which of the following statements are correct?
  • At Point 1 there is a large movement of Na+ ions into the Cell
  • At Point 1 Voltage Gated Sodium channels are Open
  • At Point 1 Voltage Gated Potassium channels are Open
  • At Point 2 Voltage Gated Potassium channels are Open
  • At Point 2 Voltage Gated Sodium channels are Open
  • At Point 2 the dip in membrane potential is due to efflux of Ca2+ through voltage gated channels
  • Point 3 represents the plateau, which is maintained by Calcium efflux
  • Point 3 represents the plateau, which is maintained by Calcium influx
  • During Stage 4 passive movement of K+ though only leak channels returns the membrane potential to rest
  • During Stage 4 the net movement of chloride is from the ICF to the ECF

Question 5

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding the refractory period of a cardiac myocyte Action Potential?
  • The Absolute refractory period is due to the rapid inactivation of Na+ channels after they open, these channels are not reactivated until membrane potential is below 65mV
  • Due to the extended refractory period, cardiac muscle can not be tetanized
  • Another Action Potential can not be initiated during any of the stages 1-4
  • The inactivation of VO Na+ channels causes a change in the shape of the protein channel, blocking the passage of Na+ ions.
  • All of the above are true

Question 6

Fast response action potentials occur in the SA Node
  • True
  • False

Question 7

Order the following from those most permeable to sodium and calcium, to those least permeable to sodium and calcium. 1. [blank_start]SA Node[blank_end] 2. [blank_start]AV Node[blank_end] 3. [blank_start]Bundle of His[blank_end] 4. [blank_start]Purkinje Fibres[blank_end] Options: Bundle of His SA Node Purkinje Fibres AV Node
  • SA Node
  • AV Node
  • Bundle of His
  • Purkinje Fibres

Question 8

Which of the following are true of pacemaker cells in the AV Node
  • Resting Membrane potential is stable
  • Resting Membrane potential is unstable
  • Voltage Gated Sodium Channels are present
  • Voltage Gated Calcium Channels are present
  • Threshold is higher compared to Cardiac Myocytes
  • Threshold is lower compared to Cardiac Myocytes
  • Amplitude of the Action Potential is higher compared to Cardiac Myocytes
  • Amplitude of the Action Potential is lower compared to Cardiac Myocytes
  • Sodium Influx into the cell does not occur at any point in time
  • There is a greater permeability to Calcium than the SA Node

Question 9

Parasympathetic/Vagal Innervation of the SA Node will result in
  • Increased Heart Rate
  • Decreased Heart Rate
  • Increased Permeability to Calcium
  • Increased Permeability to Sodium
  • Increased Permeability to Potassium
  • Hyperpolarisation
  • Depolarisation
  • Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter
  • Noradrenaline is the neurotransmitter
  • The neurotransmitter binds to Beta 1 Receptors.

Question 10

Which of the following are TRUE regarding conduction velocity
  • Is the same across the heart
  • Smaller fibres conduct faster than larger fibres
  • Larger fibres conduct faster than smaller fibres

Question 11

Which of the following are functions of the cardiac skeleton
  • It is always fortified by cartilage and bone
  • Provides electrical discontinuity between atria and ventricles
  • Provides support for the AV Valves
  • Provides support for the Pulmonic and Aortic Valves
  • Provides an attachment site for ventricular muscles
  • Provides an attachment site for atrial muscles
  • Assists in Ventricular Contraction

Question 12

Pacemaker Tissue is located in the
  • Epicardium
  • Myocardium
  • Endocardium
  • Pericardium

Question 13

Adipose tissue can be found in the
  • Endocardium
  • Epicardium
  • Myocardium
  • Pericardium

Question 14

Order the following events correctly [blank_start]HBLIADECJFMKG[blank_end] Your answer should be of the form ABCDE Options: A Activation of Ryanodine receptor channels in the Sarcoplasmic reticulum B Opening of Voltage Gated Sodium Channels C Tropomyosin shifts out of the actin cleft D Influx of Calcium from the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum E Calcium Binds to Troponin F Crossbridge Cycle Occurs and Tension of Myocyte Increases G Membrane Potential restored by the Na+/K+ ATPase and the Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger H Depolarisation of Myocyte Above Threshold, Action Potential Initiated I Influx of Calcium from the ECF J Actin may now bind to Myosin K Voltage Gated Calcium Channels Close L Opening of Voltage Gated Calcium Channels M Ca2+ ATPase activated, Calcium pumped back into the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

Question 15

Which of the following statements regarding an Isotonic Contraction are true?
  • Muscles fibres shorten but not force is developed
  • There is nothing to develop force against
  • Muscle Shortens with Maximal Velocity
  • Force generated at a Specific Length
  • Force generated at this length if a measure of the maximum ability to produce tension
  • Muscle shortens slowly
  • Muscle shortens with Maximal Force

Question 16

Which of the following are likely to increase Afterload for the Left Ventricle
  • Increased sympathetic innervation
  • Hypovolaemic Shock
  • Systemic Hypertension
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Increased Parasympathetic Innervation
  • Stenotic Aortic Valve
  • Incompetent Aortic Valve
  • Stenotic Pulmonary Valve
  • Incompetent Pulmonary Valve
  • Impaired Venous Return

Question 17

Preload is synonymous with
  • ESV
  • EDV
  • CO
  • Venous Return
  • SV
  • HR
  • Systolic Blood Pressure
  • Diastolic Blood Pressure
  • TPR

Question 18

On Trace 1 Person A has leads attached to the upper arms and thighs. On Trace 2 Person A has leads attached to the forearms and lower legs. If all other variables are constant, following Einthoven's Hypothesis, the ECG for Trace 1 and 2 would be identical.
  • True
  • False

Question 19

The Magnitude of the Dipole on a ECG is determined by
  • How many cells are depolarising
  • Heart Rate
  • Vector Analysis of Simultaneous Dipoles
  • None of the above

Question 20

A Dog has the positive lead on his left arm, and the negative lead on his right arm, and the ground lead attached to the right leg. This arrangement is described as:
  • Lead 1
  • Lead 2
  • Lead 3
  • None of the Above

Question 21

Which lead is considered most useful
  • Lead 1
  • Lead 2
  • Lead 3
  • All Leads are equally useful

Question 22

Atrial depolarisation occurs during the
  • P Wave
  • QRS Complex
  • T Wave
  • None of the Above

Question 23

The T Wave is highly variable in domestic animals, it could be positive or negative deflection, or sometimes not even noticeable.
  • True
  • False

Question 24

A Patient presents with a prolonged P-R Interval on their ECG. All other intervals are within normal range. This could suggest
  • A Delay between Atrial Depolarisation and Ventricular Depolarisation
  • A Blockage at the AV Node
  • Left Sided Congestive Heart Failure
  • Sinus Tachycardia
  • Sinus Bradycardia

Question 25

Exercise, Anxiety and Fever would most likely cause
  • Sinus Tachycardia
  • Sinus Bradycardia
  • Sinus Arrythmias
  • None of the above

Question 26

A Patient presents with an absence of P waves on their ECG. The QRS and T Waves are normal. The Patient most likely has a
  • SA Block
  • 1st Degree AV Block
  • 2nd Degree AV Block
  • 3rd Degree AV Block
  • None of the Above

Question 27

A Patient has a 3rd Degree AV Block. Which of the following features would you expect to be present on their ECG.
  • P wave and QRS/T Waves are Independent
  • P wave and QRS/T Waves are dependent, but have an abnormally long conduction time between them
  • There isn't 1 QRS complex for every P Wave
  • Ventricular Rate is Slow
  • Atrial Contraction is Slower than normal

Question 28

A Patient's ECG shows QRS Complexes that are not always preceded by a clear P Wave. Which of the following are possible
  • VPC's
  • Paroxysmal Tachycardia
  • Atrial Fibrilation
  • Ventricular Fibrilation
  • AV Block
  • SA Block

Question 29

Atrial Contraction contributes what percentage to ventricular filling?
  • 0%
  • 20%
  • 40%
  • 60%
  • 80%
  • 100%
  • 50%

Question 30

With an Increase in Heart Rate, Atrial Contribution to Ventricular filling also increases
  • True
  • False

Question 31

During the 1st Phase of Ventricular Systole which of the following statements are true?
  • The contraction is Isometric
  • Ejection is Rapid
  • Mitral Valve is Closed
  • Tricuspid Valve is Closed
  • Aortic Valve is Closed
  • Pulmonary Valve is Closed
  • Atrial Pressure wave, c wave, occurs in the venous system
  • Pressure within the ventricle increases
  • Pressure within the ventricle decreases
  • Aortic Pressure Rises

Question 32

Which of the statements regarding the Dichrotic Notch are incorrect
  • It occurs at the conclusion of Ventricular Systole
  • It is a result of blood flowing back into the leaves of Aortic Valve after it closes
  • Results in a sharp decrease in Aortic Pressure
  • Would be less noticeable in animal with an incompetent Aortic Valve
  • All the above are correct

Question 33

Which of the following are incorrect
  • Cardiac Output is proportional to Stroke Volume
  • An Increase in Heart Rate would result in a corresponding increase in Stroke Volume
  • EDV and Venous Return are synonymous
  • Ejection Fraction = SV/EDV
  • A decrease in Preload will decrease Cardiac Output

Question 34

The 4th Heart Sound is caused by the vibration of ventricular wall due to deceleration of blood leaving the ventricles
  • True
  • False
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