
Quiz on Untitled, created by Andrew Smith on 01/08/2017.
Andrew Smith
Quiz by Andrew Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrew Smith
Created by Andrew Smith over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the world's population?
  • Artificial birth control use is higher in core countries.
  • Population growth rates differ from place to place.
  • A large population of uneducated women usually results in high fertility rates.
  • High fertility rates tend to be in overpopulated areas.
  • Population is evenly distributed over the Earth's surface.

Question 2

Which of the following statements about migration is INCORRECT?
  • Many migrants leave their homes because of war.
  • Environmental problems cause many people to migrate.
  • Nearly all migrants leave their homes because they want to change political parties.
  • Many migrants go to poor countries which cannot accommodate more people.
  • Most migrants in the world leave to pursue a "better life".

Question 3

The arithmetic population density for a country or region is determined by dividing the total:
  • Population by the number of farmers.
  • Area of square miles by five
  • Minority population of the area.
  • Population by the total land area.

Question 4

Modern birth control devices
  • tend to be used in developed countries where people are educated & technology is highly valued.
  • are largely used and most effective in countries where women are generally well-educated.
  • such as pills, injections and patches are cheap for all women everywhere in the world.
  • All of the above.
  • A & B only

Question 5

Only a fraction of the Earth's surface is actually livable and farmable land. This land is called:
  • Arable
  • Alluvial
  • Available
  • Developed
  • Urbanized

Question 6

A national policy encouraging its citizens to reduce the total fertility rate is known as
  • Pro-Natal
  • Neo-Natal
  • Post-Natal
  • Anti-Natal
  • Quasi-Natal

Question 7

There were several maps in the text which showed population densities of East Asia. If one was to closely examine the East Asian population clusters, one would discover that the number of people per unit area tends to have a pattern of decline. Use mental map skills and knowledge to indicate which one of the following shows this general pattern of most population to least population in East Asia.
  • South to North
  • North to South
  • The interior to the coast
  • The coast to the interior
  • Northern coats to southern coast

Question 8

If a population increase by uniform amounts during a series of equal periods, the increase is said to be:
  • Linear
  • Compounded
  • Exponential
  • Miniscule
  • Doubling

Question 9

Using your knowledge of natural increase, if a population is growing at an average rate of 2 percent, the doubling time would be approximately _____ years.
  • 20
  • 25
  • 50
  • 35
  • 10

Question 10

Doubling Time (DT) is calculated as
  • DT = RNI + TRR
  • 70/RNI = DT
  • DT = OP + B - D + I - E
  • 2.1% / DT = 35 years

Question 11

Using your knowledge of population density and distribution, which two do the four boxes have the highest distribution of triangles?
  • 1,2
  • 3,4
  • 4,1
  • 2,3

Question 12

Which of the two of the four boxes have the highest density of triangles?
  • 3,4
  • 1,2
  • 4,1
  • 2,3

Question 13

In 1798, Thomas Malthus published an essay in which he claimed that population increased at a(n) _______ rate, while the means of subsistence grew at a(n) ________ rate.
  • Geometric; Arithmetic
  • Cultural ; Ethnic
  • Arithmetic ; Geometric
  • Declining ; Increasing
  • Exponential ; Geometric

Question 14

The world's population can best be described as generally concentrated in
  • East Asia and Southern Europe
  • Northwestern North America and South Asia
  • South Asia and East Asia
  • Europe and Eastern South America
  • Western Africa and Southeast Asia

Question 15

Which of the following is the same term as a megalopolis?
  • Mega city
  • Urbanization
  • Conurbation
  • Metropolis
  • Confluence

Question 16

Which of these BEST characterizes population control measures of the one child policy used by the Chinese government from 1980-2000?
  • Use of the IUDs (coils)
  • Guaranteed jobs
  • late marriage
  • Free healthcare
  • All of the above

Question 17

The problem with using arithmetic population density to investigate the population pattern of a country is that such a density figure does not take into consideration:
  • Annual population increases
  • Internal clustering patterns
  • Annexation of new territory
  • Possible loss of territory
  • External occlusionary forces

Question 18

What is the statistic that reports the number of deaths per thousand people in a given year called?
  • Adjusted Death Rate
  • Crude Death Rate
  • Remittance Rate
  • Actual Growth Rate
  • Age-sex mortality rate

Question 19

Which of the following terms describes the phenomenon where a country's population may continue to expand long after fertility rates have been cut dramatically?
  • high stationary
  • gravity model
  • demographic momentum
  • doubling time
  • exponential growth

Question 20

Since WW2, internal migration streams in the US have been moving generally from:
  • West to East and South to North
  • West to East and North to South
  • Completely Static
  • Easy to west and south to north
  • east to west and north to south

Question 21

Population Growth is exceptionally fast from both migration and total fertility in which of the following cities
  • Lagos
  • London
  • New York City
  • Tokyo
  • Paris

Question 22

Population growth from fertility at the country scale in the 21st century will generally
  • increase in places like western europe
  • decrease in the developing world
  • increase in the developing world
  • hold steady in the developing world
  • decrease in places like eastern Africa

Question 23

It is easier to migrate today because:
  • most countries in the world allow unrestricted immigration
  • many countries need workers and help pay moving costs
  • global religious freedom encourages migration
  • since 2001, no country forbids emigration
  • transportation and information systems are better

Question 24

Which technical advance made the sunbelt a more desirable living area as a destination for internal immigrants?
  • better roads and air transport
  • more cities with better services
  • air conditioning
  • better television advertising
  • none of these

Question 25

One of the "laws" of migration as derived by Ravenstein states that:
  • urban residents are more migratory than inhabitants of rural areas
  • urban residents tend to be less religious than rural folk
  • rural inhabitants hardly ever migrate
  • urban residents are less migratory than inhabitants of rural areas

Question 26

In 2004, Egypt's population of 6,319 per square mile is its ____________ density, while Egypt's population of 190 per square mile is its __________ density.
  • arithmetic; physiologic
  • child mortality ; infant mortality
  • physiologic ; arithmetic
  • immigration ; emigration
  • internal; external

Question 27

In the US there is a considerable migration flow of people over 60 years old headed to Florida,Arizona, or another sunbelt locales. These people:
  • are 'snowbirds' fleeing northern winters
  • like to travel across the country
  • take the new, low-pay industrial jobs
  • are fleeing poor economic conditions
  • are seeking service sector jobs

Question 28

During the years of the Transatlantic Slave Trade from 1701-1810, the greatest number of Africans were taken to plantations in the caribbean, Central America and:
  • southern US
  • Eastern North America
  • western south America
  • Gulf states of the US

Question 29

The measure of the number of children born to women of childbearing age in the population is called the:
  • actual birth rate
  • crude birth rate
  • natural increase rate
  • adjusted birth rate
  • total fertility rate

Question 30

Which of these countries does NOT fall into the category of at or near negative growth?
  • Russia
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • Sweden
  • all of these at near negative growth

Question 31

Which of the following scenarios would occur in the third stage of the demographic transition?
  • Couples ( especially women ) begin to utilize more family planning
  • Someone loses his job as a grave digger
  • Very few grandparents are around to see their grandchildren
  • A mother sobs over the graves of her six children dead of typhoid

Question 32

Which of the following countries would you predict has the highest CDR?
  • Ukraine
  • Japan
  • Indonesia
  • Sierra Leone

Question 33

Which of the following is most accurate about push/pull factors?
  • Push factors are usually incorrectly perceived by local people
  • Pull factors, such as a local civil war, cause people to leave
  • Push factors involve very little local knowledge
  • Pull factors tend to be more vague and overly positive in perception
  • Push factors do not play a major role in migratory movements

Question 34

All of the following about a gender ratio of 117:100 are true EXCEPT
  • 117 is the number of males and 100 is the number of females
  • son preference and female infanticide are prime factors in creating this ratio
  • A large number of females will not be able to find a spouse
  • The ratio above would likely be in India or China
  • The ratio above may indicate lower status of women

Question 35

Ravenstein's Gravity Model of migration stated all of these EXCEPT
  • Net migration is only a fraction of gross migration between two places
  • The majority of migrants move only a short distance.
  • rural residents are far less likely to migrate than their urban counterparts
  • Families are less likely to make international moves than young adults
  • Migrants who move longer distances tend to choose big city destinations

Question 36

Which of the following is FALSE with regard to current US demographics?
  • White fertility rates are generally the lowest of any US ethnic group
  • Non-whites are soon projected to the largest minority by 2043
  • African-American fertility rates are higher than white rates.
  • The highest total fertility rates occur in Utah.
  • white fertility rates are generally the highest of any US ethnic group

Question 37

The number of deaths per 1000 population between the first and fifth birthdays is known as
  • Natural increase rate
  • infant mortality rates
  • crude death rate
  • total death rate
  • child mortality rate

Question 38

Given a CBR of 23/1000 and a CDR of 8/1000, the RNI expressed as percentage would be
  • 15%
  • 3.1%
  • 1.5%
  • 31%
  • None of these

Question 39

A foreign person who temporarily lives and works in a host country and usually performs low-level jobs ( e.g., agriculture, domestic labor, industrial) in countries with workforce shortages are known as
  • asylum seekers
  • remittance workers
  • guest workers
  • snowbird workers
  • displaced workers

Question 40

African-Americans moved in the Great Migration from the south in the 1910s & 1920s and headed to destinations like Detroit, Chicago, or Cleveland -- only to settle in places like St. Louis and Cincinnati are examples of
  • Cyclic migration
  • Step migration
  • Forced Migration
  • distance decay
  • intervening opportunity

Question 41

The Boserup hypothesis indicated that
  • local farmers' agricultural production could help keep up with population growth
  • Malthus' claims that population would overtake food production
  • agricultural growth would far outpace population growth
  • Migration patterns center on fertility rates

Question 42

A refugee
  • Is a person who has crossed an international border
  • Has a well-founded fear of being prosecuted because of race, religion, nationality, etc.
  • Is a person labor migrant who has come to country to work
  • Comes to work for the day and returns that same day
  • Shepherds animals according to the seasons

Question 43

The "bare branches" refers to
  • China's dependency ratio issues
  • Large numbers of single adult men china
  • The lack of available wives for many men in China
  • Son preference by Chinese families
  • All of the above

Question 44

According to gapminder.org, HIV/AIDS is most prevalent in which of the following areas?
  • North Africa and Southwest Asia
  • South America and Southern Africa
  • Southern Africa and South Asia
  • The US and Central Africa
  • Australia and Central Asia

Question 45

The US shut down immigration after WW1 for all of the following reasons except:
  • Chinese Exclusion Act
  • Assist African Americans in getting jobs in northern US cities
  • Negative experiences of participating in the worlds first global conflict
  • World-wide Spanish flu pandemic that killed 25,000,000+ people
  • Johnson and Reed act
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