Welcome to GoConqr for All


Welcome to GoConqr for All – a place for GoConqr users to get together and share information and tips on how the get the most from using the GoConqr platform. So if you’ve got a question or suggestion, this is the place to be!
GoConqr Team-Liliana
Slide Set by GoConqr Team-Liliana, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
GoConqr Team-Liliana
Created by GoConqr Team-Liliana over 8 years ago
GoConqr Team-Liliana
Copied by GoConqr Team-Liliana over 8 years ago
GoConqr Team-Liliana
Copied by GoConqr Team-Liliana over 8 years ago
GoConqr Team-Liliana
Copied by GoConqr Team-Liliana over 8 years ago
GoConqr Team-Liliana
Copied by GoConqr Team-Liliana over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Welcome to  GoConqr for All! 
    Welcome to GoConqr for All – a place for GoConqr users to get together and share information and tips on how the get the most from using the GoConqr platform.  So if you’ve got a question or suggestion, this is the place to be! Don't forget to introduce yourself!
    Caption: : Getting the most of GoConqr
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GoConqr Team-Liliana