
Slide Set on DOÑANA, created by Mario Fernandez on 01/03/2017.
Mario Fernandez
Slide Set by Mario Fernandez, updated more than 1 year ago
Mario Fernandez
Created by Mario Fernandez over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    The biosphere reserve is located in the Gulf of Cadiz and represents one of the most important protected area in SpainThe importance of Doñana is based on the ecosystem variety it hosts and the high number of species that it represents.Declaration Date: 30 November 1980Administrative Division: 4 Municipalities have their territoryin the Biosphere Reserve

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    Human Activities
    Open-range cattle-raising and agriculture in the marshlands, shell-fishing and agro-environmental tourism.A Sustainable Development Plan is being implemented which covers the Biosphere Reserve and its hinterland.

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    Ecological Characteristics
    This is one of the most important areas of wetlands in the world and covers diverse landscape units. The most interesting point is the extraordinary wealth of fauna that makes Doñana a unique enclave where over 300 species of vertebrates have been identified. It is estimated that some 6 million birds pass through the Reserve annually on their migratory flyways, due to its strategic location between Europe and Africa

Slide 4

    Protection Classifications
    National Park Natural Park Specially Protected Bird Area (SPBA) Internationally Important Wetland (Ramsar Convention) European Council Diploma UNESCO World Heritage Site
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