Unit 2: Key Words


3º de ESO Business (Topic 2: People in business) Note on Unit 2: Key Words, created by Carmen Diaz on 02/05/2018.
Carmen Diaz
Note by Carmen Diaz, updated more than 1 year ago
Carmen Diaz
Created by Carmen Diaz over 6 years ago

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Unit 2: Key Words

Motivation- is why employees want to work hard and effectively for the business Wage- payment for work, usually paid weekly Salary- payment for work, usually paid monthly Commission- payment relating to the number of sales made Profit sharing- extra money given to employees form a share of profits Bonus- extra money paid as a result of effort or hard work Performance-related pay- pay which is related to the effectiveness of the employee where their output can easily be measured  Share ownership- shares in the company are given to employees so that they can become part owners in the company Appraisal- method of assessing the effectiveness of an employee Fringe benefits- non-financial rewards given to employees Job satisfaction- enjoyment derived from feeling that you have done a good job Job rotation- workers swap around and do each specific task for only a limited time and then change round again Job enlargement- extra tasks of a similar level of work are added to a worker's job description  Job enrichment- involves looking at jobs and adding tasks that require more skill and responsibility Organisational structure- refers to the levels of management and division of responsibilities within an organisation Chain of command- structure in an organisation which allows instructions to be passed down form senior management to lower levels of management Span of control- number of subordinates working directly under a manager Line managers- direct responsibility over people below them in the hierarchy of an organisation Staff managers- specialists who provide support, information and assistance to line managers Delegation- giving a subordinate the authority to perform particular tasks  Leadership styles- different approaches to dealing with people in a position of authority- autocratic, laissez-faire and democratic Autocratic leadership- managers expects to be in charge of the business and to have their orders followed Democratic leadership- gets other employees involved in the decision-making process Laissez-faire leadership- makes the broad objectives of the business known to employees, but then they are left to make their own decisions and organize their own work Trade union- group of workers who have joined together to ensure their interest are protected Closed shop- all employees must be a member of the same trade union Recruitment- process from identifying that the  business needs to employ someone up to the point at which applications have arrived at the business Job analysis- identifies and records the responsibilities and tasks relating to a job Job description- outlines the responsibilities and duties to be carried out by someone employed to do a specific job Job specification- a document which outlines the requirements, qualifications, expertise, physical characteristics... for a specific job Internal recruitment- is when a vacancy is filled by someone who is an existing employee of the business External recruitment- is when a vacancy is filled by someone who is not an existing employee and will be new to the business Part-time- employment is considered to be between 1 and 30-35 hours a week Full-time- employees will usually work 35 hours or more a week Induction training- is an introduction given to s new employee, explaining the firm's activities, customs and procedures and introducing them to their fellow workers On-the-job training- occurs by watching a more experienced worker doing the job Off-the job training- involves being trained away from the workplace, usually by specialist trainers Workforce planning- establishing the workforce needed by the business for the foreseeable future in terms of the number and skills of employees required Redundancy- is when an employees is no longer needed and so loses their job. It's not due to any aspect of their job being unsatisfactory Ethical decision- a decision taken by a manager or a company because of the moral code observed by the firm Industrial tribunal- a legal meeting which considers workers' complaints of unfair dismissal or discrimination at work Contract of employment- a legal agreement between employer and employee listing the rights and responsibilities  workers Message- the information or instructions are passed by the sender to the receiver Internal communication- between members of the same organisation External communication- between the organization and other organizations or individuals Transmitter/sender- of the message is the person starting off the process by sending the message The medium of communication- the method used to send a message. letter = written communication, meeting = verbal communication Receiver- the person who receives the message Feedback- the reply from the receiver which shows whether the message has arrived, been understood and, if necessary, acted upon One-way communication- involves a message which doesn't call fro or require a response Two-way communication- when the receiver gives a response to the message and there is a discussion about it Formal communication- when messages are sent through established channels using professional language Informal communication- when information is sent and received casually with the use of everyday language Communication barriers- are factors that shop effective communication of messages                              

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