Should Witte be remembered as a successful reformer?


A level History Mindmap am Should Witte be remembered as a successful reformer?, erstellt von Caitlyn Brooke am 03/05/2018.
Caitlyn Brooke
Mindmap von Caitlyn Brooke, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Caitlyn Brooke
Erstellt von Caitlyn Brooke vor etwa 6 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Should Witte be remembered as a successful reformer?
  1. Railways
    1. Most foreign investment went towards railways
      1. Hoped it would boost foreign trade
        1. Trans-Siberian Railway project
          1. Lack of middle class
          2. Believed modernising Russia relied on effective railways.
          3. Grain exports
            1. Stabilised economy
              1. Gold standard
            2. Heavy taxes on peasants
              1. Helped Industrialisation
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