Chapter 2


ICT AS (Chapter 2 - Hardware and Software) Mindmap am Chapter 2, erstellt von Katie Difford am 10/04/2013.
Katie Difford
Mindmap von Katie Difford, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Katie Difford
Erstellt von Katie Difford vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Chapter 2
  1. User Interfaces
    1. Natural Language
      1. Own language to communicate. Spoken, voice recognition. Written,
      2. Command Based
        1. Commands typed in, less memory, faster
        2. Menus
          1. Series of related icons that can be selected. Pop-up or pull-down. Structured, cascaded
          2. WIMP
            1. Windows, icons, menus, pointers.
            2. Forms
              1. Boxes to fill in, labels and spaces to enter data, dialogue boxes ask a quesion that requires an answer, error messages
            3. Input, Output and Storage Devices
              1. Storage
                1. Stores data
                2. Output
                  1. Hardware that gets information out of the computer
                  2. Input
                    1. Gets information into the computer
                  3. Standardisation
                    1. One piece of hardware to work with another and be compatible
                      1. Lack of standardisation
                        1. No communication/miscommunication
                          1. Buy new equipment to bridge gap
                            1. Cost of training staff
                              1. Lack of technical support
                            2. Hardware
                              1. Physical components that make up a computer system, mouse etc
                                1. Specialist
                                  1. Visually impaired
                                    1. Braille keyboard and printer
                                      1. Microphone
                                        1. Screen magnifier
                                          1. Loudspeaker
                                          2. Motor impairement
                                            1. Mouth Stick
                                              1. Tongue joystick
                                                1. Foot mouse
                                                  1. Eye typer
                                                    1. Puff-suck switch
                                                2. Software
                                                  1. Programming code required to run programs
                                                    1. Specialist
                                                      1. Screen reader
                                                        1. Reads out computer display
                                                        2. Auditory feedback
                                                          1. Response to user activity
                                                          2. Screen magnifer
                                                            1. Can zoom on sections of the screen
                                                            2. Predictive text
                                                              1. Suggests required word
                                                              2. Sticky keys
                                                                1. Allows a key to seem like it is being pressed constantly, when only pressed once
                                                              3. Types
                                                                1. Operating System
                                                                  1. controls hardware, data management
                                                                  2. User interface
                                                                    1. Utilities
                                                                      1. Applications
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