parathyroid disorders


Paediatrics (Endocrine & metabolic) Mindmap am parathyroid disorders, erstellt von v.djabatey am 08/01/2014.
Mindmap von v.djabatey, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von v.djabatey vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

parathyroid disorders
  1. PTH
    1. ++ bone formation via osteoblasts (bone forming cells)
      1. when Ca2+ levels low
        1. ++ bone resorption via osteclasts
          1. ++ renal uptake of Ca2+
            1. activate vit D metabolism
              1. ++ gut absorption of Ca2+
          2. hypoparathyroidism
            1. rare in childhood
              1. low serum Ca2+
                1. Rx
                  1. of symptomatic hypocalcaemia
                    1. iv 10% calcium gluconate solution
                      1. must be dilated
                        1. else extravasation of infusion-> severe skin damage
                    2. chronic hypocalcaemia
                      1. oral Ca2+
                        1. high dose vit D analogues
                          1. adjust dose to keep plasma [Ca2+] just under normal range
                            1. avoid hypercalciuria
                              1. can cause nephrocalcinosis
                                1. so monitor urinary Ca2+ excretion
                    3. PTH very low
                      1. raised serum phosphate
                        1. normal alkaline phosphate
                          1. if severe ->
                            1. muscle spasm
                              1. fits
                                1. stridor
                                  1. diarrhoea
                                  2. common in premature infants
                                    1. can be a presentation of severe rickets
                                      1. other causes rare in childhood
                                      2. causes in infants
                                        1. congenital deficiency
                                          1. DiGeorge syn
                                            1. thymic aplasia
                                              1. defective immunity
                                                1. cardiac defects
                                                  1. facial abnormalities
                                              2. in older children
                                                1. autoimmune disorder
                                                  1. associated w/ Addison disease
                                              3. pseudohypoparathyroidism
                                                1. end organ resistance to action of PTH
                                                  1. due to mutation in a signalling molecule
                                                  2. normal or high PTH
                                                    1. abnormal Ca2+ & phosphate levels (low?)
                                                      1. clinical features
                                                        1. short stature
                                                          1. obesity
                                                            1. subcutaneous nodules
                                                              1. short 4th metacarpals
                                                                1. learning difficulties
                                                                  1. teeth enamel hypoplasia
                                                                    1. calcification of basal ganglia
                                                                      1. pseudopseudoparathyroidism
                                                                        1. PTH, Ca2+, phosphate all normal
                                                                          1. similar physical features to pseudoparathyroidism
                                                                          2. +ve fam hx of pseudohypo and pseudopseudohypo in same kindred
                                                                        2. hyperparathyroidism
                                                                          1. -> high Ca2+ level->
                                                                            1. constipation
                                                                              1. anorexia
                                                                                1. lethargy
                                                                                  1. behavioural effects
                                                                                    1. polyuria
                                                                                      1. polydipsia
                                                                                      2. wrist radiograph
                                                                                        1. bony erosions of phalanges
                                                                                        2. neonates & young kids
                                                                                          1. assoc w/ rare genetic abnormalities
                                                                                            1. e.g. William syn
                                                                                          2. later childhood
                                                                                            1. secondary to spontaneously occurring adenomas
                                                                                              1. part of multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) syndromes
                                                                                              2. Rx of severe hypercalcaemia
                                                                                                1. rehydration
                                                                                                  1. diuretics
                                                                                                    1. bisphosphonates
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                                                                                                  ähnlicher Inhalt

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