The Good Consumer


Junior Cert ROI
Mindmap von caitriona.mcgett, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von caitriona.mcgett vor etwa 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

The Good Consumer
  1. a consumer is a person, organisation or business that buys goods and services
    1. a good consumer is;
      1. informed
        1. know what they want
          1. doesn't impulse buy; buying something you don't need in the spur of the moment
          2. finding out about price and quality
            1. make enquiries to people who have used the good or service before
              1. visiting seller, to see what is for sale. (shopping around)
            2. aware of laws and organisations that protect the consumer
              1. able to make a complaint if goods are unsatisfactory
            3. reciepts
              1. written proof of payment for goods or services
                1. should show;
                  1. the amount paid
                    1. who made the payment
                      1. the date the receipt was issued
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