First English Verbs


Karteikarten am First English Verbs, erstellt von angela.fandinot am 03/02/2015.
Karteikarten von angela.fandinot, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von angela.fandinot vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
abide (abaid) to tolerate; to accept or submit to
arise to get up from sitting, lying, or kneeling; upward; ascend:
ask (ask) asked (áskt) asked
attend (aténd) attended (aténdid) attended to be present at (an event, meeting, etc)
to be born was born / were born been born
be (bi) was / were (uós / uér) been (bí:n) ser ó estar
beat (biit)
become (bikám) became (bikéim) become (bikám)
bet (bet)
bid (bid) Idem
bind (báind) bound (báund) bound (báund)
bite (báit) bit (bit) bitten (bíten)
bleed (blíid) bled bled
blow (blóu) blew (blú) blown (blóun)
break (bréik) broke (bróuk) broken (bróuken)
bring (bríng) brought (brót) brought (brót) to carry or cause (someone or something) to come toward the speaker; (traer)
broadcast (bródkast) broadcast broadcast
build (bíld) built (bílt) built (bílt) to make (a house, etc.) by putting together parts:
burn (bern) burnt (bernt) burnt (bernt)
burst (berst) burst burst explotar, reventar
buy (báy) bought (bót) bought (bót)
call (kól) called (kóld) called (kóld)
carry (kári) carried (kárid) carried (kárid) to move (something) while holding or supporting; (llevar)
cast (kast) cast cast to throw or hurl;
catch (kách) caught (kót) caught (kót)
clap (klap) clapt (klapt) clapt
clean (klín) cleaned (klínd) cleaned (klind)
cling (kling) clung (klang) clung to adhere clkosely to hold tight
clothe (klóud) clad clad to dress
close (klóus) closed (klóust) closed (klóust)
come (kám) came (kéim) come (kám) to approach or move toward someone or something: (venir, llegar)
cook (kúk) cooked (kúkt) cooked (kúkt)
choose (chúus) chose (chóus) chosen (chóusen) to select (a person, thing, course of action, etc) from a number of alternatives
dance (dáns) danced (dánst) danced (dánst)
draw (dró) drew (drú) drawn (drón)
drink drank drunk (drónk)
drive drove (dróuv) driven (drívn)
eat (ít) ate (ét) eaten (íiten)
fall (fól) fell (fél) fallen (fólen)
feel (fi:l) felt (félt) felt (félt) to have a sensation of being;
find (fáind) found (fáund) found (fáund) to meet with or discover by chance. (Encontrar)
fix (fiks) fixed (fikst) fixed (fikst)
fly (flái) flew (flú) flown (flóun)
forget forgot forgotten (forgótn)
get got gotten (gótn) conseguir
give gave (guéiv) given (guívn)
go went gone (góun) ir
grow up (gróu-áp) grew up (gru-áp) grown up (gróun-ap)
to happen (jápen) happened (jápent) happened (jápent) to take place, usually without being planned occur.
to hate (jéit) hated (jéitid) hated (jéitid) to dislike someone or something very much
to have (jáv) had (jád) had
to hear (jíar) heard (jérd) heard (jérd)
to hike (jáik) hiked (jáikt) hiked (jáikt) a long walk in the countryside
to invite (inváit) invited (inváitid) invited (inváitid) to ask someone to come to see you or to spend time with you socially
to kiss (kís) kissed (kíst) kissed (kíst)
to know (nóu) knew (niú) known (nóun)
leave (lí:v) left (léft) left (léft) dejar (mensajes); partir irse, dejar, marcharse
lift (líft) lifted (líftid) lifted (líftid) [~ + object] to move or bring (something) from a lower to a higher position;
like (láik) liked (láikit) liked (láikit)
listen (lísen) listened (lísend) listened (lísend)
live (lív) lived (lívd) lived (lívd) Biology[no object] to be alive; to have life:
to look (lúk) looked (lúkt) looked (lúkt) to turn one's eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see:
write (ráit) wrote (róut) written (ríten)
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