CH. 12: Flashcards


Follow the mind maps to understand the movement of the revolutions, by finding a subject that is related to another subject, and reading attached notes for specific details.
Albert Wakefield
Karteikarten von Albert Wakefield, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Albert Wakefield
Erstellt von Albert Wakefield vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
CH. 12: How did California's pacific connections influence developments in the Golden State from the early 1950's to the late 1960's? See "Diversified Economy" California was geographically the Pacific Basin, allowing for trade and culture to constantly flow in from the east. The trade and immigration from Asia affected hippies, and brought places like "Little Saigon" to start roots in the bustling coast.
CH. 12: What were the major achievements of the governorships of Goodwin Knight and Edmund G. "Pat" Brown? See "Politicians" These two politicians brought a wave of Liberalism to the state.
CH. 12: What were the major sectors of California's diversified economy in the 1950's & 60's & how did each contribute the the prosperity of the times? See "Diversified Economy" California was #1 in trade from Asia/ Farming the rich lands gave us many farmers, so agriculture is booming. Tourism and pop culture made California a welcome center to the world. The military stationed ships and aerospace programs, employing many residents.
CH. 12: What were the promises and perils of California life in the 60's? Be sure to include the experiences of people of color. See "Civil Rights" Civil rights in California included many of the biggest payoffs, and biggest struggles one would face for people of color in the 60's. Vietnam demonstrations, riots and unemployment were risks one may face in the pursuit of equality and union success.
CH. 12: How were the San Francisco Renaissance of the 50's and the countercultural episode of the 60's connected? Were these 2 separate movements, or different stages of a long social phenomenon, the energies both directed against the corporate "Establishment"? See "San Francisco Renaissance" The S.F. Renaissance attracted many young people, giving them a home to state their contempt for the government. This outlet and freedom of speech, the pacific connections drug trade, college riots, and the music and freedom of poetic expression guided the youth into the countercultural movement.
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