Anatomy of the palate - part two


Flashcards on Anatomy of the palate - part two, created by Tara McLaughlin on 09/03/2018.
Tara McLaughlin
Flashcards by Tara McLaughlin, updated more than 1 year ago
Tara McLaughlin
Created by Tara McLaughlin over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the main innervation of the palate? Lesser and greater palatine nerves and nasopalatine nerve
Which cranial nerve are the greater and lesser palatine nerves and the nasopalatine nerve from? Maxillary division of trigeminal
What does the greater palatine nerve supply? Hard palate and gingiva
What does the lesser palatine nerve supply? Soft palate
What does the nasopalatine nerve mainly supply? Gingiva and mucosa adjacent to incisors and canines
What other cranial nerve supplies the soft palate? Glossopharyngeal nerve
Which nerve brings in fibres for taste in the soft palate? Greater petrosal nerve
Which cranial nerve gives the greater petrosal nerve? Facial nerve
Which artery gives the greater palatine artery? Maxillary artery
Where does the greater palatine artery terminate? Nasal cavity
What is the main blood supply of the hard palate? Greater palatine artery
What does the lesser palatine artery supply? Soft palate
What other arteries supply the palate? Ascending palatine branch and the ascending pharyngeal artery
Where does the majority of the venous drainage go? Pterygoid plexus
Where is the pterygoid plexus located? Infratemporal fossa
Where does lymph from the palate drain into? deep cervical nodes
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