Business 2


3º de ESO Business (Topic 2) Flashcards on Business 2, created by lucia larrain on 26/04/2018.
lucia larrain
Flashcards by lucia larrain, updated more than 1 year ago
lucia larrain
Created by lucia larrain about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What did Taylor think would increase productivity? He thought that if they paid more money to the employees they would work more effectively. And if they produced more they would get payed extra.
What did Maslow think would increase productivity?
What are fringe benefits? Fringe benefits are non-financial rewards given to employees.
What are financial rewards/methods of payment? Financial rewards are: -wages -Salary -Commission -profit sharing -bonus -performance-related pay -share ownership
What are non-financial reward? Non-financial rewards are: -Company vehicle -discount on the firm products -health care payed for -children's education fees payed -free accommodation -pension paid -free trips ..............
Organisational chart? chief: -production -sales -marketing -human resources -finance -ICT
What is span of control? span of control is the number of subordinates working directly under a manager. higher span of control: has two or less people directly under their control. shorter and wider span of control: has 5 or more people directly under their control.
Why might a manager not delegate? A manager might not delegate because: -They might be afraid that the subordinate might fail -May want to control everything by themselves -Subordinates might do a better job than the manager
What is job description? Job description outlines the responsibilities and duties to be carried out by an employee to do a specific job.
Why work? Explain these? for : -Money- to pay for necessities and some luxuries -Security- sense of security e.g.. knowing that your job and pay are safe -Job satisfaction- enjoyment from doing a good job -Social needs- feeling part of a group or organisation -Esteem needs- feeling important/that your job is important
What is motivation? Why do firms need motivation? Motivation is the reason why employees work hard and effective. Firms need motivation for high productivity which increases profit.
What are the motivation theories? When people work for themselves they work hard and effectively because they see the direct benefit, but if people work for someone else they may not work as effectively.
What are the motivators? What are the hygiene factors? The motivators are: -Achievement -Recognition -personal growth/development -advancement/promotion -Work itself The hygiene factors are: -Status -Security -Work conditions -Company policies and administration relationship with supervisor -Relationship with subordinates -Salary
What are the motivating factors? The motif¡vaping factors are: -financial rewards -non-financial rewards -introducing ways to give job satisfaction
What are wages? Wages is a payment usually paid weekly.
Wages advantages? Wages advantages: -workers get paid on a regular basis -does not have to wait long for some money -employee works longer they can get a bonus: this is an incentive to work additional hours when required by the business.
Wages disadvantages? Wages disadvantages: -wages have to be calculated every week, it takes time and money -wages people are employed to perform this task
What is time rate? Time rate is a payment paid for a period of time which the employee has been working for.
Time rate advantages? Time rate advantages: -easy to calculate the workers wage
Time rate disadvantages? Time rate disadvantages: -hours worked must be filled in -good and ban workers get paid the same -supervisors are needed to keep an eye on work and quality(its expensive).
What is piece rate? Piece rate is where the workers are paid depending on the quantity of products made
Piece rate advantages? Piece rate advantages: -it encourages workers to work faster and produce more goods
Piece rate disadvantages? Piece rate disadvantages: -may concentrate on making a large number of products and ignore quality -workers who are careful in their work will not earn as much as those who rush -if the machinery breaks down, the employees will earn less money
What is salary? Salary is a payment usually paid monthly
Salaries advantages? Salaries advantages: -easy to calculate salary costs -the payment has to be calculated only once a month
Salaries disadvantages? Salaries disadvantages: -extra work is not usually paid for -money is in their bank account for longer
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What is profit sharing? Profit sharing is where a proportion of the companies profits are paid to employees.
What is bonus? A bonus is an additional amount of payment, as a reward for good work.
What is performance-related pay? Performance-related pay is the pay that is related to the effectiveness of the employee, it can be easily measured.
What is share ownership? Share ownership is where the shares of the company are given to employees, so that they become part owners in the company.
What is appraisal? Appraisal is a method of assessing the effectiveness of an employee.
What is job satisfaction? Job satisfaction is the enjoyment, coming from the feeling that you have done a good job.
What makes their jobs satisfying? -pay -opportunities for promotion -working conditions -fringe benefits/non-financial rewards -the way the employee is treated -working hours -colleagues -level of responsibility -the sense of achievement -recognition for good work -chance of training -status of the job
What is job rotation? Job rotation is when workers swap around their tasks.
What is job enlargement? Job enlargement is where extra tasks of a similar level of work are added to a workers job description.
What is job enrichment? Job enrichment involves looking at jobs and adding tasks that require more skill and/or responsibilities.
What is autonomous work groups or team working? Autonomous work is when a group of workers are given responsibilities for a particular process, product or development.
What is commission? Commission is payment relating to the number of sales made.
What is chain of command? Chain of command is a structure in a business that allows instructions to be passed down from senior management to lower levels of management.
Why does organisational structure change as a business expands? Organisational structure change as a business expands because if you add another business to yours in another place you won't be able to manage both. So you need workers-
What is organisational structure? Organisational structure refers to the levels of management and division of responsibilities within an organisation.
What are the advantages of an organisation chart? Advantages of an organisational chart: -chart shows how everybody is linked together in the organisation -every individual can see their own position in the organisation -It gives everyone a sense of belonging
What is de-layering? De-layering is when the chain of command has removed a whole level of management.
Short chain of command advantages? Wider span of control advantages? Short chain of command advantages: -communication is quicker and more accurate -top manager are less remote from the lower level Wider span of control advantages: -it will encourage managers to delegate more -there will be less direct control of each worker making them feel more trusted
Wider span of control disadvantages? Wider span of control disadvantages: -it could mean that the manager loses control of what their subordinates are doing
What is line managers? Line managers have direct responsibility over people below them in the hierarchy of an organisation. They have the authority to give orders and to have their decisions put into effect in their department.
Line managers advantage? Line managers advantages: -they use specialist skills in their work and are often efficient as a result
Line managers disadvantages? Line managers disadvantages: -workers feel more loyal to their department than to the organisation as whole -there could be conflict between departments
What is staff managers? Staff managers are specialists who provide supports, information and assistance to line manages.
Which functions have to fulfil the role of management? Explain? They have to fulfil: -controlling-managers must measure and evaluate the work of all individuals/groups -planning-aims/targets giving a sense of direction or purpose -organising-task must be divided effectively -coordinating-bring together so a task works out -commanding-giving, leading and supervising
What is delegation? Delegation means giving a subordinate the authority to perform particular tasks. If they perform badly then the manager has to accept responsibilities for this.
Delegation for the manager advantages? Delegation for the management advantages: -the subordinates help managers do some tasks -managers are less likely to make mistakes if some of the tasks are performed by subordinates -managers can measure the success of their state, more easily
Delegation for the subordinate advantages? delegation for the subordinates advantages: -the work becomes more interesting and rewarding -employer feels important and trustworthy -helps train workers and improve them
Why is it important to have good managers? Its important to have good managers: -to motivate employees -to give guidance and advice to employees they manage -to inspire employees the manage to achieve more than they thought possible -to keep costs under control -to increase profitability of the business
What is a good leader in a large business? A good leader in a large business is someone who can inspire and get the best out of the workforce, getting them to work towards a common goal.
What are leadership styles? Leadership styles are the different approaches to dealing with people when in a position of authority (autocratic, democratic).
Styles of leadership? Styles of leadership: -autocratic -democratic -laissez-fair -choice of leadership style
What is autocratic leadership? Autocratic leadership is where the manager expects to be in charge of the business and to have their orders followed.
Autocratic leadership advantages? Autocratic leadership advantages: -managers know that workers will respond quickly to orders without discussion -important when safety is a concern
Autocratic leadership disadvantages? Autocratic leadership disadvantages: -workers can feel undervalued and get demotivated quickly
What is democratic leadership? Democratic leadership gets other employees involved in the decision-making process.
Democratic leadership advantages? Democratic leadership advantages: -skills, experience and knowledge can be used to make a decision -workers feel valued and accept new changes
Democratic leadership disadvantages? Democratic leadership disadvantages: -the manager may have to make a decision that not all the employees agree with
What is laissez-faire leadership? Laissez-faire leadership leader makes the main objectives of the business, but the employees are left to make their own decisions and organise their own work.
Laissez-faire leadership advantages? Lissez-faire leadership advantages: -workers have the freedom to be creative and value to make their own decisions
Laissez-faire leadership disadvantages? Lissez-faire leadership disadvantages: -communication is disorganised/difficult -the role of the leader is limited and less important
What is choice of leadership style? Choice of leadership style means that the leader/manager can use more than 1 leadership for the business depending on the situation.
What is trade unions? Trade unions is a group of workers who have joined together to ensure their interests are protected.
What is closed shop? Closed shop means that all employees must be a member of the same trade union.
What advantages does the employee/employer receive in exchange for paying their subscription? The advantages the employee/employer receive are: -Strength in numbers -improved conditions of employment -improved environment -improve benefits for the members that aren't working -improved job satisfaction -more/improved advice/financial support -employment where there is a closed shop
Employee of trade union member disadvantage? Employee of trade union membership disadvantage: -costs money to be a member -may require to take industrial action even if they don't agree
What do trade unions also seek? Trade unions also seek to: -to put their views on the media and influence government decisions (eg. minimum wage and employment laws) -improve communication between workers and management
What is the role of the human resources department? The role of the human resources departments: -recruitment and selection -training programs -wages and salaries -health and safety -industrial relations -redundancy and dismissal
What is recruitment? Recruitment is were the business identifies that they need to employ someone needed to them.
What is job analysis? Job analysis identifies the responsibilities and tasks related to a job.
What is job specification ? Job specification is a document that shows what outlines are required for a specific job.
What things do job specification normally require? Job specification require: -a level of educational qualification -the amount of experience and type of experience -special skills, knowledge/aptitute -personal characteristics (eg. personality)
What two ways does the advertising vacancy go? Advertising the vacancy can be internal or external.
What is internal recruitment? Internal recruitment is when a vacancy place is filled by someone of the business.
Internal recruitment advantages? Internal recruitment advantages: -saves time and money -the person is already known to the business -it motivates other employees as they see their fellow workers got promoted
Internal recruitment disadvantages? Internal recruitment disadvantages: -no new ideas/experiences come to the business -there may be jelousy/rivalry amongst the employees
What is external recruitment? External recruitment is when a vacancy is filled by someone who is not an existing employee.
Local newspaper advantages? Local newspaper disadvantages? Local newspaper job examples Local newspaper advantages: -do not require a high level of skills Disadvantages: -many local people could fill the vacancies Job examples: -clerical (offices) -manual (factory)
National newspaper advantages? National newspaper disadvatages? National newspaper job examples? National newspaper advantages: -highly paid -read by many people inside/outside the country Disadvatages: -willing to move to another part of the country -high experience skills/qualification Job examples: -senior positions
Specialist magazines and journals advantages? Specialist magazines and journals disadvatages? Specialist magazines and journals job examples? Specialist magazines and journals advantages: -jobs in home country or abroad Disadvatages: -Have to be particular technical people Job examples: -particular technical people -scientists
What is included in a application form as a cv? Application forms and cv's/résumés: -name -work experience -address -positions of responsibility -telephone number -interests -date of birth -name and address of referees -nationality -why the applicant wants the job/why they feel suitable -education and qualification work experience
How do interviewers assess someone in the shortest possible time? to assess in the shortest possible time: -ability to do the job -any personal qualities that are an advantage or disadvantage -the character and personality
Types of tests included? tests included: -skill -aptitude -personality -group situation
Things included in the contract of employment? Things included in the contract of employment: -name of employee and employer -job title -holidays -date of beginning -amount of notice given to terminate a employment -hours of work -rate pay -when payment is made
What is part-time? Part-time employment is between 1-35 hours a week
What is full-time? full-time is when employees will work for 35+ hours a week
Employing part-time workers advantages? Employing part-time workers advantages: -flexible hours of work -easier to ask workers to work at busy times -easier to open/operate for more hours -fits in with looking after children (they accept for lower pay) -less expensive than full-time employees
What is redundancy? Redundancy is when an employee is not needed and so they lose their job. Doesn't matter how they worked/how much.
What is dismissal? Dismissal is when workers after baing given warning keep on doing what what not supposed to, are dismissed.
What is ethical decision? Ethical decision is a decision taken by a manager or a company because of the moral code.
What is industrial tribunal? 1Industrial tribunal is a legal meeting that discuss worker complaint/unfair dismissal/discrimination at work.
What is contract of employment? Contract of employment is a legal agreement between employer and employee, listing rights/responsibilities.
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