Animal Behaviour II


Flashcards on Animal Behaviour II, created by J yadonknow on 03/05/2018.
J yadonknow
Flashcards by J yadonknow, updated more than 1 year ago
J yadonknow
Created by J yadonknow about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Natural selection (3) 1. Variance between individuals 2. Variance effects survival 3. Variance is inherited
Sexual selection variance (3) 1. Variance between individuals 2. Variance affects reproductive success 3. Variance is inherited
Heritability of behaviour plotted
"Gene for" calling rates giving rise to sexual selection Traits for song are heritable "Gene for" calling rate exists Heritable variation in calling rate
What does "gene for" mean? means heritable variance
What do female crickets prefer? High chirp rate Long chirp duration Loud chirps
Environmental influences on call rate whether there are males around or not (satellite males) Ambient 'c Presence of females
Basenji vs. cocker spaniel tameness: low high One /dom. gene aggressive play: high low / 2 genes, recessive barking high low 2 dom. genes oestrus 12 months 6 months 1 recessive gene
What is "gene for" behaviour? A genetic change giving rise to variance in behaviour
Artificial selection for behaviours may involve ___ Pleiotropic effects on other traits e.g. domestic orca fin curls
What genes influence bird migration? Gene controlling coricosterone Gene controlling melatonin Gene controlling magnetic cues
Gene controlling coricosterone influence (3) Foraging activity Migratory fuelling rate Departure fuel load
Gene controlling melatonin influence (3) Migratory restlessness Departure decisions Duration of migratory flights
Gene controlling orientation and magnetic cues influence Migratory routes
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