SOE 230 Exam 2 Diagrams


second part of test, lets at least get b's this time around
Erin Rockwood
Flashcards by Erin Rockwood, updated more than 1 year ago
Erin Rockwood
Created by Erin Rockwood over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Does this diagram show upwelling and downwelling due to Ekman Flow in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere? Northern
Does this image show El Nino or La Nina conditions? El Nino
Does this image show El Nino or La Nina conditions? La Nina
What kind of tides would you expect during the first quarter or third quarter phase of the moon? Spring tide Neap tide Intermediate tide Zero tide Neap Tide
What kind of tides would you expect during the New Moon or Full Moon phases? Spring tide Neap tide Intermediate tide Zero tide Spring tide
What is shown in this diagram? Longshore drift Low tide erosional bench Spit Tombolo Longshore drift
What are the erosional features shown in the water in this picture? Low-tide erosional bench Sea Stacks Delta Barrier Island Sea Stacks
What is the name of the feature, highlighted by the orange-red line, that borders the coastline in most places from Maine to Texas? Breakwaters Piers Barrier islands Tombolos Deltas Barrier islands
What is the feature extending from the top right to bottom left in the middle in this image? Groin Field Breakwater Pier Barrier island Tombolo Barrier island
What is the name of the shoreline feature shown in this figure? Barrier island Delta Oil spill Turbidite deposit Tombolo Delta
What is the cause of the rise and fall of sea level (about 150 meters over the last 35 thousand years) shown in this diagram? Global warming Mid-ocean ridge activity Emergence of the Himalayan Mountains The advance and retreat of continental ice sheets Tectonic uplift and subsidence The advance and retreat of continental ice sheets
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