Key quotes + Main ideas


Animal farm key quotes and big ideas.
Tyree Evans
Flashcards by Tyree Evans, updated more than 1 year ago
Tyree Evans
Created by Tyree Evans about 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
"Napoleon is always right!" -Highlights how the hard working masses of the Russian revolution blindly followed Stalin in his rule of terror. -Shows the naivety of the working masses towards Napoleon.
"I will work harder." -Shows how brainwashed the working masses were as a cause of Squealers manipulation and Napoleons rule which is sharply defined by terror.
"It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples." -Highlights corruption of the higher power which is being abused through propaganda. -Shows the extent that the pigs would go to to get whatever they want.
"'Beasts of England' has now been abolished. From now onwards, it is forbidden to sing it." -Further shows how the concept of animalism is disappearing as the pigs rule goes on. -Shows the final stages of the complete takeover from the pigs of the farm
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