Chapter 6 Proteins


Key points/ main ideas talked about in class
Mamie Cooper
Flashcards by Mamie Cooper, updated more than 1 year ago
Mamie Cooper
Created by Mamie Cooper over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How does chemical make up of proteins differ from carbs and fats Like carbohydrates and fats, proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but proteins also contain nitrogen. Amino acid structures have an amino group, an acid group, a hydrogen, and a side chain which makes each amino acid different from the others.
Deanimation The removal of the nitrogen containing amino group converting it to ammonia, which is sent to the liver and converted into urea.
Transanimation Chemical reaction that transfers an amino group to a ketoacid to form new amino acids. Convert essential amino acids to nonessential amino acids.
Describe how and where proteins are digested. Stomach: 1. Protein is denatured by the acid in the stomach 2. Gastrin- stimulates and releases acid and pepsin 3. Pepsin: protease breaks down proteins (breaks the protein into smaller poly-peptides) 4. Stomach releases HCL Small Intestine: 1. Release of CCK 2. Intestinal and Pancreatic protease continues to break down proteins 3. Releases into the duodenom 4. Peptides goes to amino acids
Describe the fate of amino acids once they are digested and absorbed. o The bloodstream transports amino acids to all the body’s cells. o Cells of villi have gates through which substances transport the amino acids. o Capillaries carry free amino acids from villi throughout the body. o After absorption, amino acids are used to make proteins
List the major functions of protein in the body. pH balancing Fluid balance Transport Enzymes Hormones Immunity Energy
Identify the 2 major forms of protein malnutrition. o Marasmus (calorie and protein deficiency) o Kwashiorkor (protein poor diet)
Discuss reasons why consuming too much protein is not recommended • lack appropriate amounts of carbohydrate, fiber, and some vitamins/minerals – Could impair exercise performance – Could increase long-term risk of diseases such as colon cancer • Possibly due to lack of fiber or increased intake of red meat • Excessively fatty protein sources could increase risk of cardiovascular disease – • Increased urinary output due to high protein load may increase chances of dehydration
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