Yalta Conference


iGCSE History (The Origins of the Cold War 1945 - 49) Flashcards on Yalta Conference, created by Drew Bott on 11/02/2017.
Drew Bott
Flashcards by Drew Bott, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Amy Crossland
Created by Amy Crossland over 8 years ago
Drew Bott
Copied by Drew Bott about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When was the Yalta Conference? Where was it held? February 1945 The Crimea
Who was at the Yalta Conference? Stalin / Roosevelt / Churchill
What was agreed at the Yalta Conference? (Germany) Germany & Berlin would be divided into 4 zones: USA, France, Britain & the USSR.
What issues remained 'unresolved' at the Yalta Conference? Reparations -How much Germany would pay in reparations. Stalin wanted a much higher figure that Roosevelt / Churchill. The decision was delayed until the next conference.
Berlin The German capital, Berlin, was about 100 miles inside the Soviet zone and it, too, was to be divided into four zones, each controlled by one of the Allied powers. Berlin would become a continuing source of tension once the Cold War began in earnest.
War in the East Stalin committed to joining the war against Japan, once Germany had been defeated. This was important to the Americans who were suffering heavy losses in the Pacific, despite the fact they were gradually pushing back the Japanese.
Declaration on Liberated Europe Eastern Europe countries would be allowed to hold free elections to decide how they would be governed. (Poland, Hungary & Czechoslovakia).
Mood Considered to be an optimistic and friendly mood in public, but behind closed doors their were tensions.
Germany (Aims) Domcratized DeNazified Disarmed Decentralised
Poland Polish Borders: Stalin wanted the borders to be further west & wanted a 'friendly' Polish government so that the USSR would have some protection from Germany. (Soviet Security needs)
Germany - surrender terms Unconditional surrender (no guarantees given to Germany)
United Nations Big Three committed to forming a post war peace organisation
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