Potsdam Conference


iGCSE History (The Origins of the Cold War 1945 - 49) Flashcards on Potsdam Conference, created by Drew Bott on 11/02/2017.
Drew Bott
Flashcards by Drew Bott, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Amy Crossland
Created by Amy Crossland almost 8 years ago
Drew Bott
Copied by Drew Bott over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Who was at the Potsdam Conference? -Truman USA -Atlee Great Britain -Stalin USSR
What had 'changed' since Yalta? Germany had been defeated Soviet armies occupied Eastern Europe Stalin had establish a Communist Government in Poland USA had Truman - hard-line anti-communist USA had the atomic bomb!
When was the Potsdam Conference? July-August 1945
What was agreed at the Potsdam Conference? -Denazification: ban the Nazi Party. Its leaders tried as war criminals at Nuremberg 1946. Re-establish democracy in Germany -The Oder-Neisse (2 rivers) line was to form part of the border between Poland & USSR
What ‘disagreements’ were there at the Potsdam Conference? -Britain & USA denied Stalin a naval base in the Mediterranean. -Stalin wanted HUGE compensation that would have crippled Germany. Truman refused. He saw a prosperous Germany as a way to prevent future soviet expansion. It was agreed Germany would pay reparations in equipment & materials. -Stalin had set up a communist government in Lublin (then the capital of Poland) which Truman & Atlee were suspicious of.
Truman’s approach Truman remarked that he was tired of babying the Soviets and that the only language Stalin understood was how many army divisions do you have? When first told about the success of the a-bomb, Truman remarked: if it works... ‘I’ll sure have a hammer on those boys’.
Context War in Europe was over. The Red Army had occupied Poland. USA had an atomic bomb
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