98. When people are uncertain, they let others decide what to do


Flashcards on 98. When people are uncertain, they let others decide what to do, created by Tiffany Griffith on 08/03/2017.
Tiffany Griffith
Flashcards by Tiffany Griffith, updated more than 1 year ago
Tiffany Griffith
Created by Tiffany Griffith about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is Social Validation? When people look to others to make decisions
Research was done to show how people reacted when the room they were in starting filling with smoke. How did they react? The reaction they had depended on the behavior of the people around them and how many people were in the room. If more people ignored the smoke than a higher amount of people would do the same. If there was only one person in the room then that person would leave and tell someone.
How does this research apply in an online setting? In an online environment, people will turn to testimonials, ratings and reviews to influence their decision.
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