Phonetics and Phonology Concept Map


Short descripion of the concepts related to Phonetics and Phonology
Carol Casas
Mind Map by Carol Casas, updated more than 1 year ago
Carol Casas
Created by Carol Casas almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Phonetics and Phonology Concept Map
  1. is how
    1. Sounds are
      1. transmitted
        1. using
          1. Consonants
            1. Voiceless consonants, voice consonants, other consonants like m,n,etc.
            2. Vowels
              1. Short vowel, long vowels, diphthongs
          2. Produced
            1. by
              1. Lungs
                1. Nasal Cavity
                  1. Alveolar ridge
                    1. Oral Cavity
                      1. Teeth
                        1. Tongue
                          1. Blade, tip, front, back, root
                          2. Lips
                          3. Pharynx
                            1. Larynx
                              1. Traquea
                            2. perceived
                          4. is how
                            1. Sounds functions
                              1. in relation to
                                1. each other in a language
                            2. Phonetic sounds of language
                              1. Phonology sound system of language
                                1. Studies
                                  1. Syllables
                                    1. How
                                      1. A word is composed
                                        1. Monosyllable, trisyllable, polisyllable
                                    2. Stress
                                      1. Gives
                                        1. Loudness and vowel length
                                      2. Accent
                                        1. is
                                          1. The tone a word is said.
                                        2. Intonation
                                          1. is
                                            1. The variation of spoken pitch
                                              1. Where
                                                1. is taking into account
                                                  1. Expressions, attitudes, emotions
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