Digital Literacy Mind Map


A mind map on digital literacy
Mind Map by okekee11, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by okekee11 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Digital Literacy Mind Map
  1. Rights, Remixes and Respect
    1. What Is A Remix?
      1. A remix is when you use an existing piece of creative work and add to it, rearrage it, or mix it with other material to create something new.
      2. When People Remix Songs, Is It Fair Use Or Stealing?
        1. If the musician asked for permission before then it would be acceptable. However, if they did not ask for permission then I think that it can be classed as stealing because even though you are changing the song, the lyrics and some other aspects are still the same. On the other hand, you are changing the song quite a bit so in some cases I think that it could be allowed.
        2. Appropriation is to use someone else's creative work to make something new, often without their permission.
          1. There is a difference between inspiration and appropriation. It is considered acceptable to use other peoples work as inspiration, biut it is often considered unacceptable to use other peoples work without their permission.
        3. Copyrights
          1. Definitions
            1. Commercial Purposes: a use in connection with a business, usually for profit.
              1. Copyright: a law that protevts a creator's ownership and of control over the work he or she creates, requiring other people to get the creator's permission befor they copy, share, or perform that work
                1. Creative Commons: a kind of copyright that makes it easir for people to copy, share and build on someones creative work-as long as they give credit to the creator
                  1. Public Domain: creative work that's not protected by copyright is therefore free for one to use.
                    1. Inspiration: something that influences, propels pr inspires you to create something.
                      1. New Appropriation: to use someone else's creative work to make something new, often without their permission.
                        1. Fair Use: the ability to use a small amount of copyrighted work without permission but only in certain ways.
                          1. Sample: to use a small piece of existing creative work, usually music, in creating new work.
                            1. Remix: to use an existing creative work and add to it, rearrange it, or mix it with other material to create something new.
                          2. Privacy and Behavoir
                            1. You have to be very carefiul of who you are online. In a nutshell, you are what you say online. Once you send it on the inter netv, there is no taking it back.
                              1. It is a good idea to check a website privacy policy before using the site. Look for the words 'Privacy' or 'Privacy Policy' at the bottom of the home page.
                                1. What Are Cookies?
                                  1. Cookies are small computer text files places in your computer by the site you visit that collect information about your computer system and the webpages you view OR data files that are stored on your computer when you visit certain sites, which are often used by companies to identify repeat customers and personalise visitors' experiences.
                                    1. There are options on wheather you allow websites to use cookies or not to use cookies.
                                    2. Privacy options are there so that you can make a choice on what the website can do with you personal information
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